Source code for vis4d.vis.pointcloud.pointcloud_visualizer

"""Vis4D Visualization tools for analysis and debugging."""

from __future__ import annotations

from vis4d.common.imports import OPEN3D_AVAILABLE
from vis4d.common.typing import ArgsType, NDArrayF64, NDArrayI64
from vis4d.vis.base import Visualizer
from vis4d.vis.pointcloud.scene import Scene3D
from vis4d.vis.pointcloud.viewer import PointCloudVisualizerBackend
from vis4d.vis.util import DEFAULT_COLOR_MAPPING

    from .viewer.open3d_viewer import Open3DVisualizationBackend

# TODO: Check typing
[docs] class PointCloudVisualizer(Visualizer): """Visualizer that visualizes pointclouds.""" def __init__( self, *args: ArgsType, backend: str = "open3d", class_color_mapping: list[ tuple[int, int, int] ] = DEFAULT_COLOR_MAPPING, instance_color_mapping: list[ tuple[int, int, int] ] = DEFAULT_COLOR_MAPPING, **kwargs: ArgsType, ) -> None: """Creates a new Pointcloud visualizer. Args: backend (str): Visualization backend that should be used. Choice of [open3d]. class_color_mapping (list[tuple[int, int, int]], optional): List of length n_classes that assigns each class a unique color. instance_color_mapping (list[tuple[int, int, int]], optional): List of length n_classes that assigns each class a unique color. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if backend == "open3d": if not OPEN3D_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError( "You have specified the open3d backend." "But open3d is not installed on this system!" ) self.visualization_backend: PointCloudVisualizerBackend = ( Open3DVisualizationBackend( class_color_mapping=class_color_mapping, instance_color_mapping=instance_color_mapping, ) ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown Point Visualization Backend {backend}") self.current_scene_idx: int | None = None self.current_scene: Scene3D | None = None
[docs] def process_single( self, points_xyz: NDArrayF64, semantics: NDArrayI64 | None = None, instances: NDArrayI64 | None = None, colors: NDArrayF64 | None = None, scene_index: NDArrayI64 | int | None = None, ) -> None: """Processes data and adds it to the visualizer. Args: points_xyz: xyz coordinates of the points shape [B, N, 3] semantics: semantic ids of the points shape [B, N, 1] instances: instance ids of the points shape [B, N, 1] colors: colors of the points shape [B, N,3] and ranging from [0,1] scene_index: Scene index for visualization of shape [B, 1]. This allows to plot multiple predictions in the same scene if e.g. for memory reasons it had to be split up in multiple channels.. Raises: ValueError: If shapes of the arrays missmatch. """ # Load correct scene if scene_index is None: # No scene index given. Create new scene for each call self.current_scene = self.visualization_backend.create_new_scene() else: # Scene index given, check if we should update given scene # or create a new one new_scene_idx = ( scene_index if isinstance(scene_index, int) else scene_index.item() ) if ( self.current_scene_idx is None or self.current_scene_idx != new_scene_idx ): self.current_scene = ( self.visualization_backend.create_new_scene() ) self.current_scene_idx = new_scene_idx if self.current_scene is None: self.current_scene = self.visualization_backend.create_new_scene() # Add data to scene self.current_scene.add_pointcloud( points_xyz, colors=colors, classes=semantics, instances=instances )
[docs] def process( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, cur_iter: int, points_xyz: NDArrayF64, semantics: NDArrayI64 | None = None, instances: NDArrayI64 | None = None, colors: NDArrayF64 | None = None, scene_index: NDArrayI64 | None = None, ) -> None: """Processes a batch of data and adds it to the visualizer. Args: cur_iter: Current iteration. points_xyz: xyz coordinates of the points shape [N, 3] semantics: semantic ids of the points shape [N, 1] instances: instance ids of the points shape [N, 1] colors: colors of the points shape [N,3] and ranging from [0,1] scene_index: Scene index for visualization of sape [1] or int. This allows to plot multiple predictions in the same scene if e.g. for memory reasons it had to be split up in multiple chunls. Raises: ValueError: If shapes of the arrays missmatch. """ if self._run_on_batch(cur_iter): if len(points_xyz.shape) == 2: # Data is not batched self.process_single( points_xyz, semantics, instances, colors, scene_index ) elif len(points_xyz.shape) == 3: for idx in range(points_xyz.shape[0]): self.process_single( points_xyz[idx, ...], semantics[idx, ...] if semantics is not None else None, instances[idx, ...] if instances is not None else None, colors[idx, ...] if colors is not None else None, ( scene_index[idx, ...] if scene_index is not None else None ), ) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid shape for point data: {points_xyz.shape}" )
[docs] def show(self, cur_iter: int, blocking: bool = True) -> None: """Shows the visualization. Args: cur_iter (int): Current iteration. blocking (bool): If the visualization should be blocking and wait for human input """
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Clears all saved data.""" self.visualization_backend.reset() self.current_scene_idx = None self.current_scene = None
[docs] def save_to_disk(self, cur_iter: int, output_folder: str) -> None: """Saves the visualization to disk.""" if self._run_on_batch(cur_iter): self.visualization_backend.save_to_disk(output_folder)