Pad transformation.


PadImages(*[, in_keys, out_keys, sensors, ...])

Pad batch of images at the bottom right.

PadSegMasks(*[, in_keys, out_keys, sensors, ...])

Pad batch of segmentation masks at the bottom right.

class PadImages(*, in_keys=['images'], out_keys=['images'], sensors=None, same_on_batch=True, **kwargs)[source]

Pad batch of images at the bottom right.


Pad images to consistent size.

Return type:

list[ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]]]

class PadSegMasks(*, in_keys=['seg_masks'], out_keys=['seg_masks'], sensors=None, same_on_batch=True, **kwargs)[source]

Pad batch of segmentation masks at the bottom right.


Pad images to consistent size.

Return type:

list[ndarray[Any, dtype[uint8]]]