Source code for vis4d.op.track3d.cc_3dt

"""CC-3DT graph."""

from __future__ import annotations

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor

from import bbox_iou
from vis4d.op.geometry.rotation import (
from vis4d.op.geometry.transform import transform_points
from vis4d.op.track.assignment import TrackIDCounter, greedy_assign
from vis4d.op.track.matching import calc_bisoftmax_affinity

from .common import Track3DOut

[docs] def get_track_3d_out( boxes_3d: Tensor, class_ids: Tensor, scores_3d: Tensor, track_ids: Tensor ) -> Track3DOut: """Get track 3D output. Args: boxes_3d (Tensor): (N, 12): x,y,z,h,w,l,rx,ry,rz,vx,vy,vz class_ids (Tensor): (N,) scores_3d (Tensor): (N,) track_ids (Tensor): (N,) Returns: Track3DOut: output """ center = boxes_3d[:, :3] # HWL -> WLH dims = boxes_3d[:, [4, 5, 3]] orientation = matrix_to_quaternion( euler_angles_to_matrix(boxes_3d[:, 6:9]) ) return Track3DOut( boxes_3d=[[center, dims, orientation], dim=1)], velocities=[boxes_3d[:, 9:12]], class_ids=[class_ids], scores_3d=[scores_3d], track_ids=[track_ids], )
[docs] class CC3DTrackAssociation: """Data association relying on quasi-dense instance similarity and 3D clue. This class assigns detection candidates to a given memory of existing tracks and backdrops. Backdrops are low-score detections kept in case they have high similarity with a high-score detection in succeeding frames. """ def __init__( self, init_score_thr: float = 0.8, obj_score_thr: float = 0.5, match_score_thr: float = 0.5, nms_backdrop_iou_thr: float = 0.3, nms_class_iou_thr: float = 0.7, nms_conf_thr: float = 0.5, with_cats: bool = True, bbox_affinity_weight: float = 0.5, ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class. Args: init_score_thr (float): Confidence threshold for initializing a new track. obj_score_thr (float): Confidence treshold s.t. a detection is considered in the track / det matching process. match_score_thr (float): Similarity score threshold for matching a detection to an existing track. nms_backdrop_iou_thr (float): Maximum IoU of a backdrop with another detection. nms_class_iou_thr (float): Maximum IoU of a high score detection with another of a different class. with_cats (bool): If to consider category information for tracking (i.e. all detections within a track must have consistent category labels). nms_conf_thr (float): Confidence threshold for NMS. bbox_affinity_weight (float): Weight of bbox affinity in the overall affinity score. """ super().__init__() self.init_score_thr = init_score_thr self.obj_score_thr = obj_score_thr self.match_score_thr = match_score_thr self.nms_backdrop_iou_thr = nms_backdrop_iou_thr self.nms_class_iou_thr = nms_class_iou_thr self.nms_conf_thr = nms_conf_thr self.with_cats = with_cats self.bbox_affinity_weight = bbox_affinity_weight self.feat_affinity_weight = 1 - bbox_affinity_weight def _filter_detections( self, detections: Tensor, camera_ids: Tensor, scores: Tensor, detections_3d: Tensor, scores_3d: Tensor, class_ids: Tensor, embeddings: Tensor, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Remove overlapping objects across classes via nms. Args: detections (Tensor): [N, 4] Tensor of boxes. camera_ids (Tensor): [N,] Tensor of camera ids. scores (Tensor): [N,] Tensor of confidence scores. detections_3d (Tensor): [N, 7] Tensor of 3D boxes. scores_3d (Tensor): [N,] Tensor of 3D confidence scores. class_ids (Tensor): [N,] Tensor of class ids. embeddings (Tensor): [N, C] tensor of appearance embeddings. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: filtered detections, scores, class_ids, embeddings, and filtered indices. """ scores, inds = scores.sort(descending=True) ( detections, camera_ids, embeddings, class_ids, detections_3d, scores_3d, ) = ( detections[inds], camera_ids[inds], embeddings[inds], class_ids[inds], detections_3d[inds], scores_3d[inds], ) valids = embeddings.new_ones((len(detections),), dtype=torch.bool) ious = bbox_iou(detections, detections) valid_ious = torch.eq( camera_ids.unsqueeze(1), camera_ids.unsqueeze(0) ).int() ious *= valid_ious for i in range(1, len(detections)): if scores[i] < self.obj_score_thr: thr = self.nms_backdrop_iou_thr else: thr = self.nms_class_iou_thr if (ious[i, :i] > thr).any(): valids[i] = False detections = detections[valids] scores = scores[valids] detections_3d = detections_3d[valids] scores_3d = scores_3d[valids] class_ids = class_ids[valids] embeddings = embeddings[valids] return ( detections, scores, detections_3d, scores_3d, class_ids, embeddings, inds[valids], )
[docs] @staticmethod def depth_ordering( obsv_boxes_3d: Tensor, memory_boxes_3d_predict: Tensor, memory_boxes_3d: Tensor, memory_velocities: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: """Depth ordering matching.""" # Centroid centroid_weight_list = [] for memory_box_3d_predict in memory_boxes_3d_predict: centroid_weight_list.append( F.pairwise_distance( # pylint: disable=not-callable obsv_boxes_3d[:, :3], memory_box_3d_predict[:3], keepdim=True, ) ) centroid_weight =, dim=1) centroid_weight = torch.exp(-torch.div(centroid_weight, 10.0)) # Moving distance should be aligned motion_weight_list = [] obsv_velocities = ( obsv_boxes_3d[:, :3, None] - memory_boxes_3d[:, :3, None].transpose(2, 0) ).transpose(1, 2) for v in obsv_velocities: motion_weight_list.append( F.pairwise_distance( # pylint: disable=not-callable v, memory_velocities[:, :3] ).unsqueeze(0) ) motion_weight =, dim=0) motion_weight = torch.exp(-torch.div(motion_weight, 5.0)) # Moving direction should be aligned # Set to 0.5 when two vector not within +-90 degree cos_sim_list = [] obsv_direct = ( obsv_boxes_3d[:, :2, None] - memory_boxes_3d[:, :2, None].transpose(2, 0) ).transpose(1, 2) for d in obsv_direct: cos_sim_list.append( F.cosine_similarity( # pylint: disable=not-callable d, memory_velocities[:, :2] ).unsqueeze(0) ) cos_sim =, dim=0) cos_sim = torch.add(cos_sim, 1.0) cos_sim = torch.div(cos_sim, 2.0) scores_depth = ( cos_sim * centroid_weight + (1.0 - cos_sim) * motion_weight ) return scores_depth
[docs] def __call__( self, detections: Tensor, camera_ids: Tensor, detection_scores: Tensor, detections_3d: Tensor, detection_scores_3d: Tensor, detection_class_ids: Tensor, detection_embeddings: Tensor, memory_boxes_3d: Tensor | None = None, memory_track_ids: Tensor | None = None, memory_class_ids: Tensor | None = None, memory_embeddings: Tensor | None = None, memory_boxes_3d_predict: Tensor | None = None, memory_velocities: Tensor | None = None, with_depth_confidence: bool = True, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Process inputs, match detections with existing tracks. Args: detections (Tensor): [N, 4] detected boxes. camera_ids (Tensor): [N,] camera ids. detection_scores (Tensor): [N,] confidence scores. detections_3d (Tensor): [N, 7] detected boxes in 3D. detection_scores_3d (Tensor): [N,] confidence scores in 3D. detection_class_ids (Tensor): [N,] class indices. detection_embeddings (Tensor): [N, C] appearance embeddings. memory_boxes_3d (Tensor): [M, 7] boxes in memory. memory_track_ids (Tensor): [M,] track ids in memory. memory_class_ids (Tensor): [M,] class indices in memory. memory_embeddings (Tensor): [M, C] appearance embeddings in memory. memory_boxes_3d_predict (Tensor): [M, 7] predicted boxes in memory. memory_velocities (Tensor): [M, 7] velocities in memory. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: track ids of active tracks and selected detection indices corresponding to tracks. """ ( detections, detection_scores, detections_3d, detection_scores_3d, detection_class_ids, detection_embeddings, permute_inds, ) = self._filter_detections( detections, camera_ids, detection_scores, detections_3d, detection_scores_3d, detection_class_ids, detection_embeddings, ) if with_depth_confidence: depth_confidence = detection_scores_3d else: depth_confidence = detection_scores_3d.new_ones( len(detection_scores_3d) ) # match if buffer is not empty if len(detections) > 0 and memory_boxes_3d is not None: assert ( memory_track_ids is not None and memory_class_ids is not None and memory_embeddings is not None and memory_boxes_3d_predict is not None and memory_velocities is not None ) # Box 3D bbox3d_weight_list = [] for memory_box_3d_predict in memory_boxes_3d_predict: bbox3d_weight_list.append( F.pairwise_distance( # pylint: disable=not-callable detections_3d, memory_box_3d_predict, keepdim=True, ) ) bbox3d_weight =, dim=1) scores_iou = torch.exp(-torch.div(bbox3d_weight, 10.0)) # Depth Ordering scores_depth = self.depth_ordering( detections_3d, memory_boxes_3d_predict, memory_boxes_3d, memory_velocities, ) # match using bisoftmax metric similarity_scores = calc_bisoftmax_affinity( detection_embeddings, memory_embeddings, detection_class_ids, memory_class_ids, ) if self.with_cats: assert ( detection_class_ids is not None and memory_class_ids is not None ), "Please provide class ids if with_categories=True!" cat_same = detection_class_ids.view( -1, 1 ) == memory_class_ids.view(1, -1) scores_cats = cat_same.float() affinity_scores = ( self.bbox_affinity_weight * scores_iou * scores_depth + self.feat_affinity_weight * similarity_scores ) affinity_scores /= ( self.bbox_affinity_weight + self.feat_affinity_weight ) affinity_scores = torch.mul( affinity_scores, torch.greater(scores_iou, 0.0).float() ) affinity_scores = torch.mul( affinity_scores, torch.greater(scores_depth, 0.0).float() ) if self.with_cats: affinity_scores = torch.mul(affinity_scores, scores_cats) ids = greedy_assign( detection_scores * depth_confidence, memory_track_ids, affinity_scores, self.match_score_thr, self.obj_score_thr, self.nms_conf_thr, ) else: ids = torch.full( (len(detections),), -1, dtype=torch.long, device=detections.device, ) new_inds = (ids == -1) & (detection_scores > self.init_score_thr) ids[new_inds] = TrackIDCounter.get_ids( new_inds.sum(), device=ids.device # type: ignore ) return ids, permute_inds
[docs] def cam_to_global( boxes_3d_list: list[Tensor], extrinsics: Tensor ) -> list[Tensor]: """Convert camera coordinates to global coordinates.""" for i, boxes_3d in enumerate(boxes_3d_list): if len(boxes_3d) != 0: boxes_3d_list[i][:, :3] = transform_points( boxes_3d_list[i][:, :3], extrinsics[i] ) boxes_3d_list[i][:, 6:9] = rotate_orientation( boxes_3d_list[i][:, 6:9], extrinsics[i] ) boxes_3d_list[i][:, 9:12] = rotate_velocities( boxes_3d_list[i][:, 9:12], extrinsics[i] ) return boxes_3d_list