Source code for vis4d.op.track.qdtrack

"""Quasi-dense embedding similarity based graph."""

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import NamedTuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn

from import bbox_iou
from import MaxIoUMatcher
from import MultiScaleRoIAlign, RoIPooler
from import CombinedSampler, match_and_sample_proposals
from vis4d.op.layer import add_conv_branch
from vis4d.op.loss import EmbeddingDistanceLoss, MultiPosCrossEntropyLoss

from .assignment import TrackIDCounter, greedy_assign
from .matching import calc_bisoftmax_affinity, cosine_similarity

[docs] def get_default_box_sampler() -> CombinedSampler: """Get default box sampler of qdtrack.""" box_sampler = CombinedSampler( batch_size=256, positive_fraction=0.5, pos_strategy="instance_balanced", neg_strategy="iou_balanced", ) return box_sampler
[docs] def get_default_box_matcher() -> MaxIoUMatcher: """Get default box matcher of qdtrack.""" box_matcher = MaxIoUMatcher( thresholds=[0.3, 0.7], labels=[0, -1, 1], allow_low_quality_matches=False, ) return box_matcher
[docs] class QDTrackOut(NamedTuple): """Output of QDTrack during training.""" key_embeddings: list[Tensor] ref_embeddings: list[list[Tensor]] | None key_track_ids: list[Tensor] | None ref_track_ids: list[list[Tensor]] | None
[docs] class QDTrackHead(nn.Module): """QDTrack - quasi-dense instance similarity learning.""" def __init__( self, similarity_head: QDSimilarityHead | None = None, box_sampler: CombinedSampler | None = None, box_matcher: MaxIoUMatcher | None = None, proposal_append_gt: bool = True, ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class.""" super().__init__() self.similarity_head = ( QDSimilarityHead() if similarity_head is None else similarity_head ) self.box_sampler = ( box_sampler if box_sampler is not None else get_default_box_sampler() ) self.box_matcher = ( box_matcher if box_matcher is not None else get_default_box_matcher() ) self.proposal_append_gt = proposal_append_gt @torch.no_grad() def _sample_proposals( self, det_boxes: list[list[Tensor]], target_boxes: list[list[Tensor]], target_track_ids: list[list[Tensor]], ) -> tuple[list[list[Tensor]], list[list[Tensor]]]: """Sample proposals for instance similarity learning.""" sampled_boxes, sampled_track_ids = [], [] for i, (boxes, tgt_boxes) in enumerate(zip(det_boxes, target_boxes)): if self.proposal_append_gt: boxes = [[d, t]) for d, t in zip(boxes, tgt_boxes)] ( sampled_box_indices, sampled_target_indices, sampled_labels, ) = match_and_sample_proposals( self.box_matcher, self.box_sampler, boxes, tgt_boxes ) positives = [l == 1 for l in sampled_labels] if i == 0: # key view: take only positives sampled_box = [ b[s_i][p] for b, s_i, p in zip(boxes, sampled_box_indices, positives) ] sampled_tr_id = [ t[s_i][p] for t, s_i, p in zip( target_track_ids[i], sampled_target_indices, positives ) ] else: # set track_ids to -1 for all negatives sampled_box = [ b[s_i] for b, s_i in zip(boxes, sampled_box_indices) ] sampled_tr_id = [ t[s_i] for t, s_i in zip( target_track_ids[i], sampled_target_indices ) ] for pos, samp_tgt in zip(positives, sampled_tr_id): samp_tgt[~pos] = -1 sampled_boxes.append(sampled_box) sampled_track_ids.append(sampled_tr_id) return sampled_boxes, sampled_track_ids
[docs] def forward( self, features: list[Tensor] | list[list[Tensor]], det_boxes: list[Tensor] | list[list[Tensor]], target_boxes: None | list[list[Tensor]] = None, target_track_ids: None | list[list[Tensor]] = None, ) -> QDTrackOut: """Forward function.""" if target_boxes is not None and target_track_ids is not None: sampled_boxes, sampled_track_ids = self._sample_proposals( det_boxes, # type: ignore target_boxes, target_track_ids, ) embeddings = [] for feats, boxes in zip(features, sampled_boxes): assert isinstance(feats, list) and isinstance(boxes, list) embeddings.append(self.similarity_head(feats, boxes)) return QDTrackOut( embeddings[0], embeddings[1:], sampled_track_ids[0], sampled_track_ids[1:], ) key_embeddings = self.similarity_head(features, det_boxes) # type: ignore # pylint: disable=line-too-long return QDTrackOut(key_embeddings, None, None, None)
[docs] def __call__( self, features: list[Tensor] | list[list[Tensor]], det_boxes: list[Tensor] | list[list[Tensor]], target_boxes: None | list[list[Tensor]] = None, target_track_ids: None | list[list[Tensor]] = None, ) -> QDTrackOut: """Type definition for call implementation.""" return self._call_impl( features, det_boxes, target_boxes, target_track_ids )
[docs] class QDTrackAssociation: """Data association relying on quasi-dense instance similarity. This class assigns detection candidates to a given memory of existing tracks and backdrops. Backdrops are low-score detections kept in case they have high similarity with a high-score detection in succeeding frames. Attributes: init_score_thr: Confidence threshold for initializing a new track obj_score_thr: Confidence treshold s.t. a detection is considered in the track / det matching process. match_score_thr: Similarity score threshold for matching a detection to an existing track. memo_backdrop_frames: Number of timesteps to keep backdrops. memo_momentum: Momentum of embedding memory for smoothing embeddings. nms_backdrop_iou_thr: Maximum IoU of a backdrop with another detection. nms_class_iou_thr: Maximum IoU of a high score detection with another of a different class. with_cats: If to consider category information for tracking (i.e. all detections within a track must have consistent category labels). """ def __init__( self, init_score_thr: float = 0.7, obj_score_thr: float = 0.3, match_score_thr: float = 0.5, nms_conf_thr: float = 0.5, nms_backdrop_iou_thr: float = 0.3, nms_class_iou_thr: float = 0.7, with_cats: bool = True, ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class.""" super().__init__() self.init_score_thr = init_score_thr self.obj_score_thr = obj_score_thr self.match_score_thr = match_score_thr self.nms_backdrop_iou_thr = nms_backdrop_iou_thr self.nms_class_iou_thr = nms_class_iou_thr self.nms_conf_thr = nms_conf_thr self.with_cats = with_cats def _filter_detections( self, detections: Tensor, scores: Tensor, class_ids: Tensor, embeddings: Tensor, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Remove overlapping objects across classes via nms. Args: detections (Tensor): [N, 4] Tensor of boxes. scores (Tensor): [N,] Tensor of confidence scores. class_ids (Tensor): [N,] Tensor of class ids. embeddings (Tensor): [N, C] tensor of appearance embeddings. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: filtered detections, scores, class_ids, embeddings, and filtered indices. """ scores, inds = scores.sort(descending=True) detections, embeddings, class_ids = ( detections[inds], embeddings[inds], class_ids[inds], ) valids = embeddings.new_ones((len(detections),), dtype=torch.bool) ious = bbox_iou(detections, detections) for i in range(1, len(detections)): if scores[i] < self.obj_score_thr: thr = self.nms_backdrop_iou_thr else: thr = self.nms_class_iou_thr if (ious[i, :i] > thr).any(): valids[i] = False detections = detections[valids] scores = scores[valids] class_ids = class_ids[valids] embeddings = embeddings[valids] return detections, scores, class_ids, embeddings, inds[valids]
[docs] def __call__( self, detections: Tensor, detection_scores: Tensor, detection_class_ids: Tensor, detection_embeddings: Tensor, memory_track_ids: Tensor | None = None, memory_class_ids: Tensor | None = None, memory_embeddings: Tensor | None = None, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Process inputs, match detections with existing tracks. Args: detections (Tensor): [N, 4] detected boxes. detection_scores (Tensor): [N,] confidence scores. detection_class_ids (Tensor): [N,] class indices. detection_embeddings (Tensor): [N, C] appearance embeddings. memory_track_ids (Tensor): [M,] track ids in memory. memory_class_ids (Tensor): [M,] class indices in memory. memory_embeddings (Tensor): [M, C] appearance embeddings in memory. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: track ids of active tracks and selected detection indices corresponding to tracks. """ ( detections, detection_scores, detection_class_ids, detection_embeddings, permute_inds, ) = self._filter_detections( detections, detection_scores, detection_class_ids, detection_embeddings, ) # match if buffer is not empty if len(detections) > 0 and memory_track_ids is not None: assert ( memory_class_ids is not None and memory_embeddings is not None ) affinity_scores = calc_bisoftmax_affinity( detection_embeddings, memory_embeddings, detection_class_ids, memory_class_ids, self.with_cats, ) ids = greedy_assign( detection_scores, memory_track_ids, affinity_scores, self.match_score_thr, self.obj_score_thr, self.nms_conf_thr, ) else: ids = torch.full( (len(detections),), -1, dtype=torch.long, device=detections.device, ) new_inds = (ids == -1) & (detection_scores > self.init_score_thr) ids[new_inds] = TrackIDCounter.get_ids( new_inds.sum(), device=ids.device # type: ignore ) return ids, permute_inds
[docs] class QDSimilarityHead(nn.Module): """Instance embedding head for quasi-dense similarity learning. Given a set of input feature maps and RoIs, pool RoI representations from feature maps and process them to a per-RoI embeddings vector. """ def __init__( self, proposal_pooler: None | RoIPooler = None, in_dim: int = 256, num_convs: int = 4, conv_out_dim: int = 256, conv_has_bias: bool = False, num_fcs: int = 1, fc_out_dim: int = 1024, embedding_dim: int = 256, norm: str = "GroupNorm", num_groups: int = 32, start_level: int = 2, ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class. Args: proposal_pooler (None | RoIPooler, optional): RoI pooling module. Defaults to None. in_dim (int, optional): Input feature dimension. Defaults to 256. num_convs (int, optional): Number of convolutional layers inside the head. Defaults to 4. conv_out_dim (int, optional): Output dimension of the last conv layer. Defaults to 256. conv_has_bias (bool, optional): If the conv layers have a bias parameter. Defaults to False. num_fcs (int, optional): Number of fully connected layers following the conv layers. Defaults to 1. fc_out_dim (int, optional): Output dimension of the last fully connected layer. Defaults to 1024. embedding_dim (int, optional): Dimensionality of the output instance embedding. Defaults to 256. norm (str, optional): Normalization of the layers inside the head. One of BatchNorm2d, GroupNorm. Defaults to "GroupNorm". num_groups (int, optional): Number of groups for the GroupNorm normalization. Defaults to 32. start_level (int, optional): starting level of feature maps. Defaults to 2. """ super().__init__() self.in_dim = in_dim self.num_convs = num_convs self.conv_out_dim = conv_out_dim self.conv_has_bias = conv_has_bias self.num_fcs = num_fcs self.fc_out_dim = fc_out_dim self.norm = norm self.num_groups = num_groups if proposal_pooler is not None: self.roi_pooler = proposal_pooler else: self.roi_pooler = MultiScaleRoIAlign( resolution=[7, 7], strides=[4, 8, 16, 32], sampling_ratio=0 ) # Used feature layers are [start_level, end_level) self.start_level = start_level num_strides = len(self.roi_pooler.scales) self.end_level = start_level + num_strides self.convs, self.fcs, last_layer_dim = self._init_embedding_head() self.fc_embed = nn.Linear(last_layer_dim, embedding_dim) self._init_weights() def _init_weights(self) -> None: """Init weights of modules in head.""" for m in self.convs: nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(m.weight, a=1) if m.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) # pragma: no cover for m in self.fcs: if isinstance(m[0], nn.Linear): nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m[0].weight) nn.init.constant_(m[0].bias, 0) nn.init.normal_(self.fc_embed.weight, 0, 0.01) nn.init.constant_(self.fc_embed.bias, 0) def _init_embedding_head( self, ) -> tuple[torch.nn.ModuleList, torch.nn.ModuleList, int]: """Init modules of head.""" convs, last_layer_dim = add_conv_branch( self.num_convs, self.in_dim, self.conv_out_dim, self.conv_has_bias, self.norm, self.num_groups, ) fcs = nn.ModuleList() if self.num_fcs > 0: last_layer_dim *= for i in range(self.num_fcs): fc_in_dim = last_layer_dim if i == 0 else self.fc_out_dim fcs.append( nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(fc_in_dim, self.fc_out_dim), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ) ) last_layer_dim = self.fc_out_dim return convs, fcs, last_layer_dim
[docs] def forward( self, features: list[Tensor], boxes: list[Tensor] ) -> list[Tensor]: """Similarity head forward pass. Args: features (list[Tensor]): A feature pyramid. The list index represents the level, which has a downsampling raio of 2^index. fp[0] is a feature map with the image resolution instead of the original image. boxes (list[Tensor]): A list of [N, 4] 2D bounding boxes per batch element. Returns: list[Tensor]: An embedding vector per input box, . """ # RoI pooling x = self.roi_pooler(features[self.start_level : self.end_level], boxes) # convs if self.num_convs > 0: for conv in self.convs: x = conv(x) # fcs x = torch.flatten(x, start_dim=1) if self.num_fcs > 0: for fc in self.fcs: x = fc(x) embeddings: list[Tensor] = list( self.fc_embed(x).split([len(b) for b in boxes]) ) return embeddings
[docs] def __call__( self, features: list[Tensor], boxes: list[Tensor] ) -> list[Tensor]: """Type definition.""" return self._call_impl(features, boxes)
[docs] class QDTrackInstanceSimilarityLosses(NamedTuple): """QDTrack losses return type. Consists of two scalar loss tensors.""" track_loss: Tensor track_loss_aux: Tensor
[docs] class QDTrackInstanceSimilarityLoss(nn.Module): """Instance similarity loss as in QDTrack. Given a number of key frame embeddings and a number of reference frame embeddings along with their track identities, compute two losses: 1. Multi-positive cross-entropy loss. 2. Cosine similarity loss (auxiliary). """ def __init__(self, softmax_temp: float = -1): """Creates an instance of the class. Args: softmax_temp (float, optional): Temperature parameter for multi-positive cross-entropy loss. Defaults to -1. """ super().__init__() self.softmax_temp = softmax_temp self.track_loss = MultiPosCrossEntropyLoss() self.track_loss_aux = EmbeddingDistanceLoss() self.track_loss_weight = 0.25
[docs] def forward( self, key_embeddings: list[Tensor], ref_embeddings: list[list[Tensor]], key_track_ids: list[Tensor], ref_track_ids: list[list[Tensor]], ) -> QDTrackInstanceSimilarityLosses: """The QDTrack instance similarity loss. Key inputs are of type list[Tensor/Boxes2D] (Lists are length N) Ref inputs are of type list[list[Tensor/Boxes2D]] where the lists are of length MxN. Where M is the number of reference views and N is the number of batch elements. NOTE: this only works if key only contains positives and all negatives in ref have track_id -1 Args: key_embeddings (list[Tensor]): key frame embeddings. ref_embeddings (list[list[Tensor]]): reference frame embeddings. key_track_ids (list[Tensor]): associated track ids per embedding in key frame. ref_track_ids (list[list[Tensor]]): associated track ids per embedding in reference frame(s). Returns: QDTrackInstanceSimilarityLosses: Scalar loss tensors. """ if sum(len(e) for e in key_embeddings) == 0: # pragma: no cover dummy_loss = sum(e.sum() * 0.0 for e in key_embeddings) return QDTrackInstanceSimilarityLosses(dummy_loss, dummy_loss) # type: ignore # pylint: disable=line-too-long loss_track = torch.tensor(0.0, device=key_embeddings[0].device) loss_track_aux = torch.tensor(0.0, device=key_embeddings[0].device) dists, cos_dists = self._match(key_embeddings, ref_embeddings) track_targets, track_weights = self._get_targets( key_track_ids, ref_track_ids ) # for each reference view for curr_dists, curr_cos_dists, curr_targets, curr_weights in zip( dists, cos_dists, track_targets, track_weights ): # for each batch element for _dists, _cos_dists, _targets, _weights in zip( curr_dists, curr_cos_dists, curr_targets, curr_weights ): if all(_dists.shape): loss_track += ( self.track_loss( _dists, _targets, _weights, avg_factor=_weights.sum() + 1e-5, ) * self.track_loss_weight ) if self.track_loss_aux is not None: loss_track_aux += self.track_loss_aux( _cos_dists, _targets ) num_pairs = len(dists) * len(dists[0]) loss_track = torch.div(loss_track, num_pairs) loss_track_aux = torch.div(loss_track_aux, num_pairs) return QDTrackInstanceSimilarityLosses( track_loss=loss_track, track_loss_aux=loss_track_aux )
[docs] def __call__( self, key_embeddings: list[Tensor], ref_embeddings: list[list[Tensor]], key_track_ids: list[Tensor], ref_track_ids: list[list[Tensor]], ) -> QDTrackInstanceSimilarityLosses: """Type definition.""" return self._call_impl( key_embeddings, ref_embeddings, key_track_ids, ref_track_ids )
@staticmethod def _get_targets( key_track_ids: list[Tensor], ref_track_ids: list[list[Tensor]], ) -> tuple[list[list[Tensor]], list[list[Tensor]]]: """Create tracking target tensors. Args: key_track_ids (list[Tensor]): A List of Tensors [N,] per batch element containing the corresponding track ids of each box in the key frame. ref_track_ids (list[list[Tensor]]): A nested list fo Tensors [N,] per batch element, per reference view. The inner list denotes the batch index, the outer list the reference view index. Contains track ids of boxes in all reference views across the batch. Returns: tuple[list[list[Tensor]], list[list[Tensor]]]: The target tensors per key-reference pair containing 1 if the identities of two boxes across the key and a reference view match, and 0 otherwise and the loss reduction weights for a certain box. """ # for each reference view track_targets, track_weights = [], [] for ref_target in ref_track_ids: # for each batch element curr_targets, curr_weights = [], [] for key_target, ref_target_ in zip(key_track_ids, ref_target): # target shape: len(key_target) x len(ref_target_) # NOTE: this only works if key only contains positives and all # negatives in ref have track_id -1 target = ( key_target.view(-1, 1) == ref_target_.view(1, -1) ).int() weight = (target.sum(dim=1) > 0).float() curr_targets.append(target) curr_weights.append(weight) track_targets.append(curr_targets) track_weights.append(curr_weights) return track_targets, track_weights def _match( self, key_embeds: list[Tensor], ref_embeds: list[list[Tensor]], ) -> tuple[list[list[Tensor]], list[list[Tensor]]]: """Calculate distances for all pairs of key / ref embeddings. Args: key_embeds (list[Tensor]): Embeddings for boxes in key frame. ref_embeds (list[list[Tensor]]): Embeddings for boxes in all reference frames. Returns: tuple[list[list[Tensor]], list[list[Tensor]]]: Embedding distances for all embedding pairs, first normalized via softmax, then normal cosine similary. """ # for each reference view dists, cos_dists = [], [] for ref_embed in ref_embeds: # for each batch element dists_curr, cos_dists_curr = [], [] for key_embed, ref_embed_ in zip(key_embeds, ref_embed): dist = cosine_similarity( key_embed, ref_embed_, normalize=False, temperature=self.softmax_temp, ) dists_curr.append(dist) if self.track_loss_aux is not None: cos_dist = cosine_similarity(key_embed, ref_embed_) cos_dists_curr.append(cos_dist) dists.append(dists_curr) cos_dists.append(cos_dists_curr) return dists, cos_dists