Source code for vis4d.op.loss.embedding_distance

"""Embedding distance loss."""

from __future__ import annotations

import torch

from import random_choice

from .base import Loss
from .common import l2_loss
from .reducer import LossReducer, SumWeightedLoss, identity_loss

[docs] class EmbeddingDistanceLoss(Loss): """Embedding distance loss for learning appearance similarity. Computes the difference between the target distances and the predicted distances of two sets of embedding vectors. Uses hard negative mining based on the loss values to select pairs for overall loss computation. """ def __init__( self, reducer: LossReducer = identity_loss, neg_pos_ub: float = 3.0, pos_margin: float = 0.0, neg_margin: float = 0.3, hard_mining: bool = True, ): """Creates an instance of the class.""" super().__init__(reducer) self.neg_pos_ub = neg_pos_ub self.neg_margin = neg_margin self.pos_margin = pos_margin self.hard_mining = hard_mining
[docs] def forward( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor | None = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Forward function. Args: pred (torch.Tensor): The predicted distances between two sets of predictions. Shape [N, M]. target (torch.Tensor): The corresponding target distances. Either zero (different identity) or one (same identity). weight (torch.Tensor, optional): The weight of loss for each prediction. Defaults to None. Returns: loss_bbox (torch.Tensor): embedding distance loss. """ if weight is None: weight = target.new_ones(target.size()) pred, weight, avg_factor = self.update_weight(pred, target, weight) return l2_loss( pred, target, reducer=SumWeightedLoss(weight, avg_factor) )
[docs] def update_weight( self, pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Update element-wise loss weights. Exclude negatives according to maximum fraction of samples and/or hard negative mining. """ invalid_inds = weight <= 0 target[invalid_inds] = -1 pos_inds = torch.eq(target, 1) neg_inds = torch.eq(target, 0) if self.pos_margin > 0: pred[pos_inds] -= self.pos_margin if self.neg_margin > 0: pred[neg_inds] -= self.neg_margin pred = torch.clamp(pred, min=0, max=1) num_pos = max(1, int(torch.eq(target, 1).sum())) num_neg = int(torch.eq(target, 0).sum()) if self.neg_pos_ub > 0 and num_neg / num_pos > self.neg_pos_ub: num_neg = int(num_pos * self.neg_pos_ub) neg_idx = torch.nonzero(torch.eq(target, 0), as_tuple=False) if self.hard_mining: costs = l2_loss(pred, target)[ neg_idx[:, 0], neg_idx[:, 1] ].detach() neg_idx = neg_idx[costs.topk(num_neg)[1], :] else: neg_idx = random_choice(neg_idx, num_neg) new_neg_inds = neg_inds.new_zeros(neg_inds.size()).bool() new_neg_inds[neg_idx[:, 0], neg_idx[:, 1]] = True invalid_neg_inds = torch.logical_xor(neg_inds, new_neg_inds) weight[invalid_neg_inds] = 0 avg_factor = torch.greater(weight, 0).sum() return pred, weight, avg_factor