Source code for vis4d.op.detect.yolox

"""YOLOX detection head.

Modified from mmdetection (

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from import Sequence
from typing import NamedTuple

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torchvision.ops import batched_nms

from vis4d.common import TorchLossFunc
from vis4d.common.distributed import reduce_mean
from import MlvlPointGenerator
from import YOLOXBBoxDecoder
from import SimOTAMatcher
from import PseudoSampler
from vis4d.op.layer import Conv2d
from vis4d.op.layer.weight_init import bias_init_with_prob
from vis4d.op.loss import IoULoss
from vis4d.op.loss.reducer import SumWeightedLoss

from .common import DetOut

[docs] class YOLOXOut(NamedTuple): """YOLOX head outputs.""" # Logits for box classification for each feature level. The logit # dimention is [batch_size, number of classes, height, width]. cls_score: list[torch.Tensor] # Each box has regression for all classes for each feature level. So the # tensor dimension is [batch_size, 4, height, width]. bbox_pred: list[torch.Tensor] # Objectness scores for each feature level. The tensor dimension is # [batch_size, 1, height, width] objectness: list[torch.Tensor]
[docs] def get_default_point_generator() -> MlvlPointGenerator: """Get default point generator.""" return MlvlPointGenerator(strides=[8, 16, 32], offset=0)
[docs] class YOLOXHead(nn.Module): """YOLOX Head. Args: num_classes (int): Number of classes. in_channels (int): Number of input channels. feat_channels (int, optional): Number of feature channels. Defaults to 256. stacked_convs (int, optional): Number of stacked convolutions. Defaults to 2. strides (Sequence[int], optional): Strides for each feature level. Defaults to (8, 16, 32). point_generator (MlvlPointGenerator, optional): Point generator. Defaults to None. box_decoder (YOLOXBBoxDecoder, optional): Bounding box decoder. Defaults to None. box_matcher (Matcher, optional): Bounding box matcher. Defaults to None. box_sampler (Sampler, optional): Bounding box sampler. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, num_classes: int, in_channels: int, feat_channels: int = 256, stacked_convs: int = 2, strides: Sequence[int] = (8, 16, 32), point_generator: MlvlPointGenerator | None = None, box_decoder: YOLOXBBoxDecoder | None = None, ): """Creates an instance of the class.""" super().__init__() self.point_generator = ( point_generator if point_generator is not None else get_default_point_generator() ) if box_decoder is None: self.box_decoder = YOLOXBBoxDecoder() else: self.box_decoder = box_decoder self.multi_level_cls_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.multi_level_reg_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.multi_level_conv_cls = nn.ModuleList() self.multi_level_conv_reg = nn.ModuleList() self.multi_level_conv_obj = nn.ModuleList() for _ in strides: self.multi_level_cls_convs.append( self._build_stacked_convs( in_channels, feat_channels, stacked_convs ) ) self.multi_level_reg_convs.append( self._build_stacked_convs( in_channels, feat_channels, stacked_convs ) ) conv_cls, conv_reg, conv_obj = self._build_predictor( feat_channels, num_classes ) self.multi_level_conv_cls.append(conv_cls) self.multi_level_conv_reg.append(conv_reg) self.multi_level_conv_obj.append(conv_obj) self._init_weights() def _build_stacked_convs( self, in_channels: int, feat_channels: int, stacked_convs: int ) -> nn.Module: """Initialize conv layers of a single level head. Args: in_channels (int): Number of input channels. feat_channels (int): Number of feature channels. stacked_convs (int): Number of stacked conv layers. """ stacked_conv_layers = [] for i in range(stacked_convs): chn = in_channels if i == 0 else feat_channels stacked_conv_layers.append( Conv2d( chn, feat_channels, 3, stride=1, padding=1, norm=nn.BatchNorm2d( feat_channels, eps=0.001, momentum=0.03 ), activation=nn.SiLU(inplace=True), bias=False, ) ) return nn.Sequential(*stacked_conv_layers) def _build_predictor( self, feat_channels: int, num_classes: int ) -> tuple[nn.Module, nn.Module, nn.Module]: """Initialize predictor layers of a single level head. Args: feat_channels (int): Number of input channels. num_classes (int): Number of classes. """ conv_cls = nn.Conv2d(feat_channels, num_classes, 1) conv_reg = nn.Conv2d(feat_channels, 4, 1) conv_obj = nn.Conv2d(feat_channels, 1, 1) return conv_cls, conv_reg, conv_obj def _init_weights(self) -> None: """Initialize weights.""" for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( m.weight, a=math.sqrt(5), mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="leaky_relu", ) bias_init = bias_init_with_prob(0.01) for conv_cls, conv_obj in zip( self.multi_level_conv_cls, self.multi_level_conv_obj ):
[docs] def forward(self, features: list[torch.Tensor]) -> YOLOXOut: """Forward pass of YOLOX head. Args: features (list[torch.Tensor]): Input features. Returns: YOLOXOut: Classification, box, and objectness predictions. """ cls_score, bbox_pred, objectness = [], [], [] for feature, cls_conv, reg_conv, conv_cls, conv_reg, conv_obj in zip( features, self.multi_level_cls_convs, self.multi_level_reg_convs, self.multi_level_conv_cls, self.multi_level_conv_reg, self.multi_level_conv_obj, ): cls_feat = cls_conv(feature) reg_feat = reg_conv(feature) cls_score.append(conv_cls(cls_feat)) bbox_pred.append(conv_reg(reg_feat)) objectness.append(conv_obj(reg_feat)) return YOLOXOut( cls_score=cls_score, bbox_pred=bbox_pred, objectness=objectness )
[docs] def __call__(self, features: list[torch.Tensor]) -> YOLOXOut: """Type definition for call implementation.""" return self._call_impl(features)
[docs] def bboxes_nms( cls_scores: torch.Tensor, bboxes: torch.Tensor, objectness: torch.Tensor, nms_threshold: float = 0.65, score_thr: float = 0.01, nms_pre: int = -1, max_per_img: int = -1, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Decode box energies into detections for a single image. Detections are post-processed via NMS. NMS is performed per level. Afterwards, select topk detections. Args: cls_scores (torch.Tensor): topk class scores per level. bboxes (torch.Tensor): topk class labels per level. objectness (torch.Tensor): topk regression params per level. nms_threshold (float, optional): iou threshold for NMS. Defaults to 0.65. score_thr (float, optional): score threshold to filter detections. Defaults to 0.01. nms_pre (int, optional): number of topk results before NMS. Defaults to -1 (all). max_per_img (int, optional): number of topk results after NMS. Defaults to -1 (all). Returns: tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: decoded boxes, scores, and labels. """ if nms_pre == -1: nms_pre = len(cls_scores) if max_per_img == -1: max_per_img = len(cls_scores) max_scores, labels = torch.max(cls_scores, 1) valid_mask = objectness * max_scores >= score_thr valid_idxs = valid_mask.nonzero()[:, 0] num_topk = min(nms_pre, valid_mask.sum()) # type: ignore scores, idxs = (max_scores[valid_mask] * objectness[valid_mask]).sort( descending=True ) scores = scores[:num_topk] topk_idxs = valid_idxs[idxs[:num_topk]] bboxes = bboxes[topk_idxs] labels = labels[topk_idxs] if labels.numel() > 0: keep = batched_nms(bboxes, scores, labels, nms_threshold)[:max_per_img] return bboxes[keep], scores[keep], labels[keep] return bboxes.new_zeros(0, 4), scores.new_zeros(0), labels.new_zeros(0)
[docs] def preprocess_outputs( cls_outs: list[torch.Tensor], reg_outs: list[torch.Tensor], obj_outs: list[torch.Tensor], images_hw: list[tuple[int, int]], point_generator: MlvlPointGenerator, box_decoder: YOLOXBBoxDecoder, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Preprocess model outputs before postprocessing/loss computation. Args: cls_outs (list[torch.Tensor]): [N, C, H, W] per scale. reg_outs (list[torch.Tensor]): [N, 4, H, W] per scale. obj_outs (list[torch.Tensor]): [N, 1, H, W] per scale. images_hw (list[tuple[int, int]]): List of image sizes. point_generator (MlvlPointGenerator): Point generator. box_decoder (YOLOXBBoxDecoder): Box decoder. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: Flattened outputs. """ dtype, device = cls_outs[0].dtype, cls_outs[0].device num_imgs = len(images_hw) num_classes = cls_outs[0].shape[1] featmap_sizes: list[tuple[int, int]] = [ tuple(featmap.size()[-2:]) for featmap in cls_outs # type: ignore ] assert len(featmap_sizes) == point_generator.num_levels mlvl_points = point_generator.grid_priors( featmap_sizes, dtype=dtype, device=device, with_stride=True ) # flatten cls_outs, reg_outs and obj_outs cls_list = [ cls_score.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(num_imgs, -1, num_classes) for cls_score in cls_outs ] reg_list = [ bbox_pred.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(num_imgs, -1, 4) for bbox_pred in reg_outs ] obj_list = [ objectness.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(num_imgs, -1) for objectness in obj_outs ] flatten_cls =, dim=1) flatten_reg =, dim=1) flatten_obj =, dim=1) flatten_points = flatten_boxes = box_decoder(flatten_points, flatten_reg) return flatten_cls, flatten_reg, flatten_obj, flatten_points, flatten_boxes
[docs] class YOLOXPostprocess(nn.Module): """Postprocess detections from YOLOX detection head.""" def __init__( self, point_generator: MlvlPointGenerator, box_decoder: YOLOXBBoxDecoder, nms_threshold: float = 0.65, score_thr: float = 0.01, nms_pre: int = -1, max_per_img: int = -1, ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class. Args: point_generator (MlvlPointGenerator): Point generator. box_decoder (YOLOXBBoxDecoder): Box decoder. nms_threshold (float, optional): IoU threshold for NMS. Defaults to 0.65. score_thr (float, optional): Score threshold to filter detections. Defaults to 0.01. nms_pre (int, optional): Number of topk results before NMS. Defaults to -1 (all). max_per_img (int, optional): Number of topk results after NMS. Defaults to -1 (all). """ super().__init__() self.point_generator = point_generator self.box_decoder = box_decoder self.nms_threshold = nms_threshold self.score_thr = score_thr self.nms_pre = nms_pre self.max_per_img = max_per_img
[docs] def forward( self, cls_outs: list[torch.Tensor], reg_outs: list[torch.Tensor], obj_outs: list[torch.Tensor], images_hw: list[tuple[int, int]], ) -> DetOut: """Forward pass. Args: cls_outs (list[torch.Tensor]): [N, C, H, W] per scale. reg_outs (list[torch.Tensor]): [N, 4, H, W] per scale. obj_outs (list[torch.Tensor]): [N, 1, H, W] per scale. images_hw (list[tuple[int, int]]): list of image sizes. Returns: DetOut: Detection outputs. """ flatten_cls, _, flatten_obj, _, flatten_boxes = preprocess_outputs( cls_outs, reg_outs, obj_outs, images_hw, self.point_generator, self.box_decoder, ) flatten_cls, flatten_obj = flatten_cls.sigmoid(), flatten_obj.sigmoid() bbox_list, score_list, label_list = [], [], [] for img_id, _ in enumerate(images_hw): bboxes, scores, labels = bboxes_nms( flatten_cls[img_id], flatten_boxes[img_id], flatten_obj[img_id], nms_threshold=self.nms_threshold, score_thr=self.score_thr, nms_pre=self.nms_pre, max_per_img=self.max_per_img, ) bbox_list.append(bboxes) score_list.append(scores) label_list.append(labels) return DetOut(bbox_list, score_list, label_list)
[docs] def __call__( self, cls_outs: list[torch.Tensor], reg_outs: list[torch.Tensor], obj_outs: list[torch.Tensor], images_hw: list[tuple[int, int]], ) -> DetOut: """Type definition for function call.""" return self._call_impl(cls_outs, reg_outs, obj_outs, images_hw)
[docs] class YOLOXHeadLosses(NamedTuple): """YOLOX head loss container.""" loss_cls: Tensor loss_bbox: Tensor loss_obj: Tensor loss_l1: Tensor | None
[docs] def bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh(bbox: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Convert bbox coordinates from (x1, y1, x2, y2) to (cx, cy, w, h). Args: bbox (Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for bboxes. Returns: Tensor: Converted bboxes. """ x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox.split((1, 1, 1, 1), dim=-1) bbox_new = [(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1)] return, dim=-1)
[docs] def get_l1_target( bbox_target: Tensor, priors: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-8 ) -> Tensor: """Convert gt bboxes to center offset and log width height. Args: bbox_target (Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for ground-truth bboxes. priors (Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for prior boxes. eps (float, optional): Epsilon for numerical stability. Defaults to 1e-8. """ l1_target = bbox_target.new_zeros((len(bbox_target), 4)) gt_cxcywh = bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh(bbox_target) l1_target[:, :2] = (gt_cxcywh[:, :2] - priors[:, :2]) / priors[:, 2:] l1_target[:, 2:] = torch.log(gt_cxcywh[:, 2:] / priors[:, 2:] + eps) return l1_target
[docs] class YOLOXHeadLoss(nn.Module): """Loss of YOLOX head.""" def __init__( self, num_classes: int, point_generator: MlvlPointGenerator | None = None, box_decoder: YOLOXBBoxDecoder | None = None, loss_cls: TorchLossFunc = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits, loss_bbox: TorchLossFunc = IoULoss(mode="square", eps=1e-16), loss_obj: TorchLossFunc = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits, loss_l1: TorchLossFunc | None = None, ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class. Args: num_classes (int): Number of classes. point_generator (MlvlPointGenerator): Point generator. box_decoder (YOLOXBBoxDecoder): Box decoder. loss_cls (TorchLossFunc, optional): Classification loss function. Defaults to sigmoid_focal_loss. loss_bbox (TorchLossFunc, optional): Regression loss function. Defaults to l1_loss. loss_obj (TorchLossFunc, optional): Objectness loss function. Defaults to sigmoid_focal_loss. loss_l1 (TorchLossFunc | None, optional): L1 loss function. Defaults to None. Only used during the final few epochs. """ super().__init__() self.num_classes = num_classes self.point_generator = ( point_generator if point_generator is not None else get_default_point_generator() ) if box_decoder is None: self.box_decoder = YOLOXBBoxDecoder() else: self.box_decoder = box_decoder self.box_matcher = SimOTAMatcher() self.box_sampler = PseudoSampler() self.loss_cls = loss_cls self.loss_bbox = loss_bbox self.loss_obj = loss_obj self.loss_l1 = loss_l1 def _get_target_single( self, cls_preds: Tensor, objectness: Tensor, priors: Tensor, decoded_bboxes: Tensor, gt_bboxes: Tensor, gt_labels: Tensor, ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, int]: """Compute YOLOX training targets in a single image. Args: cls_preds (Tensor): Classification predictions of one image, a 2D-Tensor with shape [num_priors, num_classes] objectness (Tensor): Objectness predictions of one image, a 1D-Tensor with shape [num_priors] priors (Tensor): All priors of one image, a 2D-Tensor with shape [num_priors, 4] in [cx, xy, stride_w, stride_y] format. decoded_bboxes (Tensor): Decoded bboxes predictions of one image, a 2D-Tensor with shape [num_priors, 4] in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes of one image, a 2D-Tensor with shape [num_gts, 4] in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_labels (Tensor): Ground truth labels of one image, a Tensor with shape [num_gts]. """ num_priors = priors.size(0) num_gts = gt_labels.size(0) gt_bboxes = # No target if num_gts == 0: cls_target = cls_preds.new_zeros((0, self.num_classes)) bbox_target = cls_preds.new_zeros((0, 4)) l1_target = cls_preds.new_zeros((0, 4)) obj_target = cls_preds.new_zeros((num_priors, 1)) foreground_mask = cls_preds.new_zeros(num_priors).bool() return ( foreground_mask, cls_target, obj_target, bbox_target, l1_target, 0, ) # YOLOX uses center priors with 0.5 offset to assign targets, # but use center priors without offset to regress bboxes. offset_priors = [priors[:, :2] + priors[:, 2:] * 0.5, priors[:, 2:]], dim=-1 ) scores = cls_preds.sigmoid() * objectness.unsqueeze(1).sigmoid() match_result = self.box_matcher( scores.sqrt_(), offset_priors, decoded_bboxes, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, ) sampling_result = self.box_sampler(match_result) positives = sampling_result.sampled_labels == 1 pos_inds = sampling_result.sampled_box_indices[positives] pos_tgt_inds = sampling_result.sampled_target_indices[positives] num_pos_per_img = pos_inds.size(0) pos_ious = match_result.assigned_gt_iou[pos_inds] # IOU aware classification score cls_target = F.one_hot( # pylint: disable=not-callable gt_labels[pos_tgt_inds], self.num_classes ) * pos_ious.unsqueeze(-1) obj_target = torch.zeros_like(objectness).unsqueeze(-1) obj_target[pos_inds] = 1 bbox_target = gt_bboxes[pos_tgt_inds] if self.loss_l1 is not None: l1_target = get_l1_target(bbox_target, priors[pos_inds]) else: l1_target = bbox_target.new_zeros((len(bbox_target), 4)) foreground_mask = torch.zeros_like(objectness).to(torch.bool) foreground_mask[pos_inds] = 1 return ( foreground_mask, cls_target, obj_target, bbox_target, l1_target, num_pos_per_img, )
[docs] def forward( self, cls_outs: list[Tensor], reg_outs: list[Tensor], obj_outs: list[Tensor], target_boxes: list[Tensor], target_class_ids: list[Tensor], images_hw: list[tuple[int, int]], ) -> YOLOXHeadLosses: """Compute YOLOX classification, regression, and objectness losses. Args: cls_outs (list[Tensor]): Network classification outputs at all scales. reg_outs (list[Tensor]): Network regression outputs at all scales. obj_outs (list[Tensor]): Network objectness outputs at all scales. target_boxes (list[Tensor]): Target bounding boxes. images_hw (list[tuple[int, int]]): Image dimensions without padding. target_class_ids (list[Tensor]): Target class labels. Returns: YOLOXHeadLosses: YOLOX losses. """ ( flatten_cls, flatten_reg, flatten_obj, flatten_points, flatten_boxes, ) = preprocess_outputs( cls_outs, reg_outs, obj_outs, images_hw, self.point_generator, self.box_decoder, ) num_imgs = len(images_hw) pos_masks_list, cls_targets_list, obj_targets_list = [], [], [] bbox_targets_list, l1_targets_list, num_fg_imgs_list = [], [], [] for flat_cls, flat_obj, flat_pts, flat_bxs, tgt_bxs, tgt_cls in zip( flatten_cls.detach(), flatten_obj.detach(), flatten_points.unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_imgs, 1, 1), flatten_boxes.detach(), target_boxes, target_class_ids, ): targets = self._get_target_single( flat_cls, flat_obj, flat_pts, flat_bxs, tgt_bxs, tgt_cls ) pos_masks_list.append(targets[0]) cls_targets_list.append(targets[1]) obj_targets_list.append(targets[2]) bbox_targets_list.append(targets[3]) l1_targets_list.append(targets[4]) num_fg_imgs_list.append(targets[5]) num_pos = torch.tensor( sum(num_fg_imgs_list), dtype=torch.float, device=flatten_cls.device ) num_total_samples: Tensor | float = max( # type: ignore reduce_mean(num_pos), 1.0 ) pos_masks =, 0) cls_targets =, 0) obj_targets =, 0) bbox_targets =, 0) if self.loss_l1 is not None: l1_targets =, 0) loss_obj = self.loss_obj( flatten_obj.view(-1, 1), obj_targets, reduction="none" ) loss_obj = SumWeightedLoss(1.0, num_total_samples)(loss_obj) if num_pos > 0: loss_cls = self.loss_cls( flatten_cls.view(-1, self.num_classes)[pos_masks], cls_targets, reduction="none", ) loss_cls = SumWeightedLoss(1.0, num_total_samples)(loss_cls) loss_bbox = self.loss_bbox( flatten_boxes.view(-1, 4)[pos_masks], bbox_targets ) loss_bbox = SumWeightedLoss(5.0, num_total_samples)(loss_bbox) else: loss_cls = flatten_cls.sum() * 0 loss_bbox = flatten_boxes.sum() * 0 if self.loss_l1 is not None: if num_pos > 0: loss_l1 = self.loss_l1( flatten_reg.view(-1, 4)[pos_masks], l1_targets ) loss_l1 = SumWeightedLoss(1.0, num_total_samples)(loss_l1) else: loss_l1 = flatten_reg.sum() * 0 else: loss_l1 = None return YOLOXHeadLosses( loss_cls=loss_cls, loss_bbox=loss_bbox, loss_obj=loss_obj, loss_l1=loss_l1, )
[docs] def __call__( self, cls_outs: list[Tensor], reg_outs: list[Tensor], obj_outs: list[Tensor], target_boxes: list[Tensor], target_class_ids: list[Tensor], images_hw: list[tuple[int, int]], ) -> YOLOXHeadLosses: """Type definition.""" return self._call_impl( cls_outs, reg_outs, obj_outs, target_boxes, target_class_ids, images_hw, )