"""NMS-Free bounding box coder for BEVFormer."""
from __future__ import annotations
import torch
from torch import Tensor
class NMSFreeDecoder:
"""BBox decoder for NMS-free detector."""
def __init__(
num_classes: int,
post_center_range: list[float],
max_num: int = 100,
score_threshold: float | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize NMSFreeDecoder.
num_classes (int): Number of classes.
post_center_range (list[float]): Limit of the center.
max_num (int): Max number to be kept. Default: 100.
score_threshold (float): Threshold to filter boxes based on score.
Default: None.
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.post_center_range = post_center_range
self.max_num = max_num
self.score_threshold = score_threshold
def __call__(
self, cls_scores: Tensor, bbox_preds: Tensor
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Decode single batch bboxes.
cls_scores (Tensor): Outputs from the classification head, in shape
of [num_query, cls_out_channels]. Note cls_out_channels
should includes background.
bbox_preds (Tensor): Outputs from the regression
head with normalized coordinate format (cx, cy, w, l, cz, h,
rot_sine, rot_cosine, vx, vy). Shape [num_query, 9].
tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: Decoded boxes (x, y, z, l, w, h,
yaw, vx, vy), scores and labels.
cls_scores = cls_scores.sigmoid()
scores, indexs = cls_scores.view(-1).topk(self.max_num)
labels = indexs % self.num_classes
bbox_index = indexs // self.num_classes
bbox_preds = bbox_preds[bbox_index]
final_box_preds = _denormalize_bbox(bbox_preds)
final_scores = scores
final_preds = labels
# use score threshold
if self.score_threshold is not None:
thresh_mask = final_scores > self.score_threshold
tmp_score = self.score_threshold
while thresh_mask.sum() == 0:
tmp_score *= 0.9
if tmp_score < 0.01:
thresh_mask = final_scores > -1
thresh_mask = final_scores >= tmp_score
post_center_range = torch.tensor(
self.post_center_range, device=scores.device
mask = (final_box_preds[..., :3] >= post_center_range[:3]).all(1)
mask &= (final_box_preds[..., :3] <= post_center_range[3:]).all(1)
if self.score_threshold:
mask &= thresh_mask
boxes3d = final_box_preds[mask]
scores = final_scores[mask]
labels = final_preds[mask]
return boxes3d, scores, labels
def _denormalize_bbox(normalized_bboxes: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Denormalize bounding boxes."""
# rotation
rot_sine = normalized_bboxes[..., 6:7]
rot_cosine = normalized_bboxes[..., 7:8]
rot = torch.atan2(rot_sine, rot_cosine)
# center in the bev
cx = normalized_bboxes[..., 0:1]
cy = normalized_bboxes[..., 1:2]
cz = normalized_bboxes[..., 4:5]
# size
w = normalized_bboxes[..., 2:3]
l = normalized_bboxes[..., 3:4]
h = normalized_bboxes[..., 5:6]
w = w.exp()
l = l.exp()
h = h.exp()
if normalized_bboxes.size(-1) > 8:
# velocity
vx = normalized_bboxes[:, 8:9]
vy = normalized_bboxes[:, 9:10]
denormalized_bboxes = torch.cat(
[cx, cy, cz, w, l, h, rot, vx, vy], dim=-1
denormalized_bboxes = torch.cat([cx, cy, cz, w, l, h, rot], dim=-1)
return denormalized_bboxes