Source code for vis4d.op.base.vgg

"""Residual networks for classification."""

from __future__ import annotations

import torch
import torchvision.models.vgg as _vgg
from torchvision.models._utils import IntermediateLayerGetter

from .base import BaseModel

[docs] class VGG(BaseModel): """Wrapper for torch vision VGG.""" def __init__( self, vgg_name: str, trainable_layers: None | int = None, pretrained: bool = False, ): """Initialize the VGG base model from torchvision. Args: vgg_name (str): name of the VGG variant. Choices in ["vgg11", "vgg13", "vgg16", "vgg19", "vgg11_bn", "vgg13_bn", "vgg16_bn", "vgg19_bn"]. trainable_layers (int, optional): Number layers for training or fine-tuning. None means all the layers can be fine-tuned. pretrained (bool, optional): Whether to load ImageNet pre-trained weights. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: The VGG name is not supported """ super().__init__() if vgg_name not in [ "vgg11", "vgg13", "vgg16", "vgg19", "vgg11_bn", "vgg13_bn", "vgg16_bn", "vgg19_bn", ]: raise ValueError("The VGG name is not supported!") weights = "IMAGENET1K_V1" if pretrained else None vgg = _vgg.__dict__[vgg_name](weights=weights) use_bn = vgg_name[-3:] == "_bn" self._out_channels: list[int] = [] returned_layers = [] last_channel = -1 layer_counter = 0 vgg_channels = _vgg.cfgs[ {"vgg11": "A", "vgg13": "B", "vgg16": "D", "vgg19": "E"}[ vgg_name[:5] ] ] for channel in vgg_channels: if channel == "M": returned_layers.append(layer_counter) self._out_channels.append(last_channel) layer_counter += 1 else: if use_bn: layer_counter += 3 else: layer_counter += 2 last_channel = channel if trainable_layers is not None: for name, parameter in vgg.features.named_parameters(): layer_ind = int(name.split(".")[0]) if layer_ind < layer_counter - trainable_layers: parameter.requires_grad_(False) return_layers = {str(v): str(i) for i, v in enumerate(returned_layers)} self.body = IntermediateLayerGetter( vgg.features, return_layers=return_layers ) = vgg_name @property def out_channels(self) -> list[int]: """Get the number of channels for each level of feature pyramid. Returns: list[int]: number of channels """ return [3, 3, *self._out_channels]
[docs] def forward(self, images: torch.Tensor) -> list[torch.Tensor]: """VGG feature forward without classification head. Args: images (Tensor[N, C, H, W]): Image input to process. Expected to type float32 with values ranging 0..255. Returns: fp (list[torch.Tensor]): The output feature pyramid. The list index represents the level, which has a downsampling raio of 2^index. fp[0] and fp[1] is a reference to the input images. The last feature map downsamples the input image by 64. """ return [images, images, *self.body(images).values()]