Source code for vis4d.model.cls.vit

"""ViT for classification tasks."""

from __future__ import annotations

import timm.models.vision_transformer as _vision_transformer
import torch
from torch import nn

from vis4d.common import ArgsType
from vis4d.common.ckpt import load_model_checkpoint
from vis4d.op.base.vit import VisionTransformer, ViT_PRESET

from .common import ClsOut

[docs] class ViTClassifer(nn.Module): """ViT for classification tasks.""" def __init__( self, variant: str = "", num_classes: int = 1000, use_global_pooling: bool = False, weights: str | None = None, num_prefix_tokens: int = 1, **kwargs: ArgsType, ) -> None: """Initialize the classification ViT. Args: variant (str): Name of the ViT variant. Defaults to "". If the name starts with "timm://", the variant will be loaded from timm's model zoo. Otherwise, the variant will be loaded from the ViT_PRESET dict. If the variant is empty, the default ViT variant will be used. In all cases, the additional keyword arguments will override the default arguments. num_classes (int, optional): Number of classes. Defaults to 1000. use_global_pooling (bool, optional): If to use global pooling. Defaults to False. If set to True, the output of the ViT will be averaged over the spatial dimensions. Otherwise, the first token will be used for classification. weights (str, optional): If to load pretrained weights. If set to "timm", the weights will be loaded from timm's model zoo that matches the variant. If a URL is provided, the weights will be downloaded from the URL. Defaults to None, which means no weights will be loaded. num_prefix_tokens (int, optional): Number of prefix tokens. Defaults to 1. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the ViT model. """ super().__init__() self.num_classes = num_classes self.use_global_pooling = use_global_pooling self.num_prefix_tokens = num_prefix_tokens if variant != "": assert variant in ViT_PRESET, ( f"Unknown ViT variant: {variant}. " f"Available ViT variants are: {list(ViT_PRESET.keys())}" ) preset_kwargs = ViT_PRESET[variant] preset_kwargs["num_classes"] = num_classes preset_kwargs.update(kwargs) self.vit = VisionTransformer(**preset_kwargs) # type: ignore else: # Build ViT from scratch using kwargs preset_kwargs = {} self.vit = VisionTransformer(num_classes=num_classes, **kwargs) # Classification head embed_dim = kwargs.get( "embed_dim", preset_kwargs.get("embed_dim", 768) ) self.norm = ( nn.LayerNorm(embed_dim) if use_global_pooling else nn.Identity() ) self.head = ( nn.Linear(embed_dim, num_classes) if num_classes > 0 else nn.Identity() ) # Load pretrain weights if weights is not None: if weights.startswith("timm://"): weights = weights.removeprefix("timm://") if "." in weights: model_name, pretrain_tag = weights.split(".") else: model_name = weights pretrain_tag = None assert model_name in _vision_transformer.__dict__, ( f"Unknown Timm ViT weights: {model_name}. " f"Available Timm ViT weights are: " f"{list(_vision_transformer.__dict__.keys())}" ) _model = _vision_transformer.__dict__[model_name]( pretrained=True, pretrained_cfg=pretrain_tag, **kwargs ) self.vit.load_state_dict(_model.state_dict(), strict=False) self.norm.load_state_dict( _model.norm.state_dict(), strict=False ) self.head.load_state_dict( _model.head.state_dict(), strict=False ) else: load_model_checkpoint(self, weights)
[docs] def forward(self, images: torch.Tensor) -> ClsOut: """Forward pass.""" feats = self.vit(images) x = feats[-1] if self.use_global_pooling: x = x[:, self.num_prefix_tokens :].mean(dim=1) else: x = x[:, 0] x = self.norm(x) logits = self.head(x) return ClsOut( logits=logits, probs=torch.softmax(logits.detach(), dim=-1) )