Source code for vis4d.eval.shift.seg

"""SHIFT segmentation evaluator."""

from __future__ import annotations

from vis4d.common.typing import NDArrayI64, NDArrayNumber
from import shift_seg_ignore, shift_seg_map
from vis4d.eval.common.seg import SegEvaluator

[docs] class SHIFTSegEvaluator(SegEvaluator): """SHIFT segmentation evaluation class.""" inverse_seg_map = {v: k for k, v in shift_seg_map.items()} def __init__(self, ignore_classes_as_cityscapes: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize the evaluator.""" super().__init__( num_classes=23, class_to_ignore=255, class_mapping=self.inverse_seg_map, ) self.ignore_classes_as_cityscapes = ignore_classes_as_cityscapes
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Concise representation of the dataset evaluator.""" return "SHIFT Segmentation Evaluator"
def _prune_class(self, label: NDArrayI64) -> NDArrayI64: """Prune class labels.""" for cls in shift_seg_ignore: label[label == shift_seg_map[cls]] = 255 return label
[docs] def process_batch( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, prediction: NDArrayNumber, groundtruth: NDArrayI64 ) -> None: """Process sample and update confusion matrix. Args: prediction: Predictions of shape [N,C,...] or [N,...] with C* being any number if channels. Note, C is passed, the prediction is converted to target labels by applying the max operations along the second axis groundtruth: Groundtruth of shape [N_batch, ...] type int """ if self.ignore_classes_as_cityscapes: groundtruth = self._prune_class(groundtruth) super().process_batch(prediction, groundtruth)