Source code for vis4d.eval.scalabel.track

"""Scalabel tracking evaluator."""

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from vis4d.common.array import array_to_numpy
from vis4d.common.imports import SCALABEL_AVAILABLE
from vis4d.common.typing import MetricLogs, NDArrayNumber

from .base import ScalabelEvaluator

    from scalabel.eval.mot import acc_single_video_mot, evaluate_track
    from scalabel.eval.mots import acc_single_video_mots, evaluate_seg_track
    from import group_and_sort
    from scalabel.label.transforms import mask_to_rle, xyxy_to_box2d
    from scalabel.label.typing import Config, Frame, Label
    raise ImportError("scalabel is not installed.")

[docs] class ScalabelTrackEvaluator(ScalabelEvaluator): """Scalabel 2D tracking evaluation class.""" METRICS_TRACK = "MOT" METRICS_SEG_TRACK = "MOTS" METRICS_ALL = "all" def __init__( self, annotation_path: str, config: Config | None = None, mask_threshold: float = 0.0, ) -> None: """Initialize the evaluator.""" super().__init__(annotation_path=annotation_path, config=config) self.mask_threshold = mask_threshold
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Concise representation of the dataset evaluator.""" return "Scalabel Tracking Evaluator"
@property def metrics(self) -> list[str]: """Supported metrics.""" return [self.METRICS_TRACK, self.METRICS_SEG_TRACK]
[docs] def process_batch( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, frame_ids: list[int], sample_names: list[str], sequence_names: list[str], pred_boxes: list[NDArrayNumber], pred_classes: list[NDArrayNumber], pred_scores: list[NDArrayNumber], pred_track_ids: list[NDArrayNumber], pred_masks: list[NDArrayNumber] | None = None, ) -> None: """Process tracking results.""" for i, ( frame_id, sample_name, sequence_name, boxes, scores, class_ids, track_ids, ) in enumerate( zip( frame_ids, sample_names, sequence_names, pred_boxes, pred_scores, pred_classes, pred_track_ids, ) ): boxes = array_to_numpy(boxes, n_dims=None, dtype=np.float32) class_ids = array_to_numpy(class_ids, n_dims=None, dtype=np.int64) scores = array_to_numpy(scores, n_dims=None, dtype=np.float32) if pred_masks: masks = array_to_numpy( pred_masks[i], n_dims=None, dtype=np.float32 ) labels = [] for label_id, (box, score, class_id, track_id) in enumerate( zip(boxes, scores, class_ids, track_ids) ): box2d = xyxy_to_box2d(*box.tolist()) if pred_masks: rle = mask_to_rle( (masks[label_id] > self.mask_threshold).astype( np.uint8 ) ) else: rle = None label = Label( box2d=box2d, category=( self.inverse_cat_map[int(class_id)] if self.inverse_cat_map != {} else str(class_id) ), score=float(score), id=str(int(track_id)), rle=rle, ) labels.append(label) frame = Frame( name=sample_name, videoName=sequence_name, frameIndex=frame_id, labels=labels, ) self.frames.append(frame)
[docs] def evaluate(self, metric: str) -> tuple[MetricLogs, str]: """Evaluate the dataset.""" assert self.config is not None, "config is not set" metrics_log: MetricLogs = {} short_description = "" if metric in [self.METRICS_TRACK, self.METRICS_ALL]: results = evaluate_track( acc_single_video_mot, gts=group_and_sort(self.gt_frames), results=group_and_sort(self.frames), config=self.config, nproc=0, ) for metric_name, metric_value in results.summary().items(): metrics_log[metric_name] = metric_value short_description += str(results) + "\n" if metric in [self.METRICS_SEG_TRACK, self.METRICS_ALL]: results = evaluate_seg_track( acc_single_video_mots, gts=group_and_sort(self.gt_frames), results=group_and_sort(self.frames), config=self.config, nproc=0, ) for metric_name, metric_value in results.summary().items(): metrics_log[metric_name] = metric_value short_description += str(results) + "\n" return metrics_log, short_description