"""Common segmentation evaluator."""
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from terminaltables import AsciiTable
from vis4d.common import MetricLogs
from vis4d.common.array import array_to_numpy
from vis4d.common.typing import ArrayLike, NDArrayI64, NDArrayNumber
from vis4d.eval.base import Evaluator
class SegEvaluator(Evaluator):
"""Creates an evaluator that calculates mIoU score and confusion matrix."""
METRIC_CONFUSION_MATRIX = "confusion_matrix"
def __init__(
num_classes: int | None = None,
class_to_ignore: int | None = None,
class_mapping: dict[int, str] | None = None,
"""Creates a new evaluator.
num_classes (int): Number of semantic classes
class_to_ignore (int | None): Groundtruth class that should be
class_mapping (int): dict mapping each class_id to a readable name
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.class_mapping = class_mapping if class_mapping is not None else {}
self.class_to_ignore = class_to_ignore
self._confusion_matrix: NDArrayI64 | None = None
def metrics(self) -> list[str]:
"""Supported metrics."""
return [
# Taken and modified (added static N) from
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59080843/faster-method-of-computing-confusion-matrix
def calc_confusion_matrix(
self, prediction: NDArrayNumber, groundtruth: NDArrayI64
) -> NDArrayI64:
"""Calculates the confusion matrix for multi class predictions.
prediction (array): Class predictions
groundtruth (array): Groundtruth classes
Confusion Matrix of dimension n_classes x n_classes.
y_true = groundtruth.reshape(-1)
if prediction.shape != groundtruth.shape:
y_pred = np.argmax(prediction, axis=1).reshape(-1)
y_pred = prediction.reshape(-1)
y_pred = y_pred.astype(np.int64)
if self.class_to_ignore is not None:
valid = y_true != self.class_to_ignore
y_true = y_true[valid]
y_pred = y_pred[valid]
if self.num_classes is None:
n_classes = np.max(np.max(groundtruth), np.max(y_pred)) + 1
n_classes = self.num_classes
y = n_classes * y_true + y_pred
y = np.bincount(y, minlength=n_classes * n_classes)
return y.reshape(n_classes, n_classes)
def reset(self) -> None:
"""Reset the saved predictions to start new round of evaluation."""
self._confusion_matrix = None
def process_batch( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
self, prediction: ArrayLike, groundtruth: ArrayLike
) -> None:
"""Process sample and update confusion matrix.
prediction: Predictions of shape [N,C,...] or [N,...] with
C* being any number if channels. Note, C is passed,
the prediction is converted to target labels by applying
the max operations along the second axis
groundtruth: Groundtruth of shape [N_batch, ...] type int
confusion_matrix = self.calc_confusion_matrix(
array_to_numpy(prediction, n_dims=None, dtype=np.float32),
array_to_numpy(groundtruth, n_dims=None, dtype=np.int64), # type: ignore # pylint: disable=line-too-long
if self._confusion_matrix is None:
self._confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
assert (
self._confusion_matrix.shape == confusion_matrix.shape
), """Shape of confusion matrix changed during runtime!,
Please specify a static number of classes in constructor."""
self._confusion_matrix += confusion_matrix
def _get_class_name_for_idx(self, idx: int) -> str:
"""Maps a class index to a unique class name.
idx (int): class index.
(str) class name
return self.class_mapping.get(idx, f"class_{idx}")
def evaluate(self, metric: str) -> tuple[MetricLogs, str]:
"""Evaluate predictions.
Returns a dict containing the raw data and a
short description string containing a readable result.
metric (str): Metric to use. See @property metric.
(dict, str) containing the raw data and a short description string.
ValueError: If metric is not supported.
assert (
self._confusion_matrix is not None
), """Evaluate() needs to process samples first.
Please call the process() function before calling evaluate()"""
metric_data, short_description = {}, ""
if metric == self.METRIC_MIOU:
# Calculate miou from confusion matrix
tp = np.diag(self._confusion_matrix)
fp = np.sum(self._confusion_matrix, axis=0) - tp
fn = np.sum(self._confusion_matrix, axis=1) - tp
iou = tp / (tp + fn + fp) * 100
m_iou = np.nanmean(iou)
iou_class_str = ", ".join(
f"{self._get_class_name_for_idx(idx)}: ({d:.3f}%)"
for idx, d in enumerate(iou)
metric_data[self.METRIC_MIOU] = m_iou
short_description += f"mIoU: {m_iou:.3f}% \n"
short_description += iou_class_str + "\n"
elif metric == self.METRIC_CONFUSION_MATRIX:
headers = ["Confusion"] + [
for i in range(self._confusion_matrix.shape[0])
table_data = self._confusion_matrix / (
np.sum(self._confusion_matrix, axis=1)
data = list(
[f"Class_{idx}"] + list(d) for idx, d in enumerate(table_data)
table = AsciiTable([headers] + data)
# TODO, change MetricLogs type for more complex log types as e.g.
# confusion matrix
short_description += table.table + "\n"
raise ValueError(f"Metric {metric} not supported")
return metric_data, short_description