Source code for vis4d.eval.common.cls

"""Image classification evaluator."""

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools

import numpy as np

from vis4d.common.array import array_to_numpy
from vis4d.common.typing import (
from vis4d.eval.base import Evaluator

from ..metrics.cls import accuracy

[docs] class ClassificationEvaluator(Evaluator): """Multi-class classification evaluator.""" METRIC_CLASSIFICATION = "Cls" KEY_ACCURACY = "Acc@1" KEY_ACCURACY_TOP5 = "Acc@5" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the classification evaluator.""" super().__init__() self._metrics_list: list[dict[str, float]] = [] @property def metrics(self) -> list[str]: """Supported metrics.""" return [ self.KEY_ACCURACY, self.KEY_ACCURACY_TOP5, ]
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset evaluator for new round of evaluation.""" self._metrics_list = []
def _is_correct( self, pred: NDArrayNumber, target: NDArrayI64, top_k: int = 1 ) -> bool: """Check if the prediction is correct for top-k. Args: pred (NDArrayNumber): Prediction logits, in shape (C, ). target (NDArrayI64): Target logits, in shape (1, ). top_k (int, optional): Top-k to check. Defaults to 1. Returns: bool: Whether the prediction is correct. """ top_k = min(top_k, pred.shape[0]) top_k_idx = np.argsort(pred)[-top_k:] return bool(np.any(top_k_idx == target))
[docs] def process_batch( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, prediction: ArrayLike, groundtruth: ArrayLike ): """Process a batch of predictions and groundtruths. Args: prediction (ArrayLike): Prediction, in shape (N, C). groundtruth (ArrayLike): Groundtruth, in shape (N, ). """ pred = array_to_numpy(prediction, n_dims=None, dtype=np.float32) gt = array_to_numpy(groundtruth, n_dims=None, dtype=np.int64) for i in range(pred.shape[0]): self._metrics_list.append( { "top1_correct": accuracy(pred[i], gt[i], top_k=1), "top5_correct": accuracy(pred[i], gt[i], top_k=5), } )
[docs] def gather(self, gather_func: GenericFunc) -> None: """Accumulate predictions across processes.""" all_metrics = gather_func(self._metrics_list) if all_metrics is not None: self._metrics_list = list(itertools.chain(*all_metrics))
[docs] def evaluate(self, metric: str) -> tuple[MetricLogs, str]: """Evaluate predictions. Returns a dict containing the raw data and a short description string containing a readable result. Args: metric (str): Metric to use. See @property metric Returns: metric_data, description tuple containing the metric data (dict with metric name and value) as well as a short string with shortened information. Raises: RuntimeError: if no data has been registered to be evaluated. ValueError: if the metric is not supported. """ if len(self._metrics_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError( """No data registered to calculate metric. Register data using .process() first!""" ) metric_data: MetricLogs = {} short_description = "" if metric == self.METRIC_CLASSIFICATION: # Top1 accuracy top1_correct = np.array( [metric["top1_correct"] for metric in self._metrics_list] ) top1_acc = np.mean(top1_correct) metric_data[self.KEY_ACCURACY] = top1_acc short_description += f"Top1 Accuracy: {top1_acc:.4f}\n" # Top5 accuracy top5_correct = np.array( [metric["top5_correct"] for metric in self._metrics_list] ) top5_acc = np.mean(top5_correct) metric_data[self.KEY_ACCURACY_TOP5] = top5_acc short_description += f"Top5 Accuracy: {top5_acc:.4f}\n" else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported metric: {metric}" ) # pragma: no cover return metric_data, short_description