Source code for vis4d.engine.util

"""Run utilities."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
from abc import ABC
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from import Callable, Mapping, Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from vis4d.common.named_tuple import is_namedtuple

_BLOCKING_DEVICE_TYPES = ("cpu", "mps")

[docs] class TransferableDataType(ABC): """A custom type for data that can be moved to a torch device. Example: >>> isinstance(dict, TransferableDataType) False >>> isinstance(torch.rand(2, 3), TransferableDataType) True >>> class CustomObject: ... def __init__(self): ... self.x = torch.rand(2, 2) ... def to(self, device): ... self.x = ... return self >>> isinstance(CustomObject(), TransferableDataType) True """
[docs] @classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, subclass: Any) -> bool | Any: # type: ignore """Subclass hook.""" if cls is TransferableDataType: to = getattr(subclass, "to", None) return callable(to) return NotImplemented # pragma: no cover
[docs] def is_dataclass_instance(obj: object) -> bool: """Check if obj is dataclass instance. """ return dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, type)
[docs] def apply_to_collection( # type: ignore data: Any, dtype: type | Any | tuple[type | Any], function: Callable[[Any], Any], *args: Any, wrong_dtype: None | type | tuple[type, ...] = None, include_none: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Recursively applies a function to all elements of a certain dtype. Args: data: the collection to apply the function to dtype: the given function will be applied to all elements of this dtype function: the function to apply *args: positional arguments (will be forwarded to calls of ``function``) wrong_dtype: the given function won't be applied if this type is specified and the given collections is of the ``wrong_dtype`` even if it is of type ``dtype`` include_none: Whether to include an element if the output of ``function`` is ``None``. **kwargs: keyword arguments (will be forwarded to calls of ``function``) Raises: ValueError: If frozen dataclass is passed to `apply_to_collection`. Returns: The resulting collection """ # Breaking condition if isinstance(data, dtype) and ( wrong_dtype is None or not isinstance(data, wrong_dtype) ): return function(data, *args, **kwargs) elem_type = type(data) # Recursively apply to collection items if isinstance(data, Mapping): out = [] for k, v in data.items(): v = apply_to_collection( v, dtype, function, *args, wrong_dtype=wrong_dtype, include_none=include_none, **kwargs, ) if include_none or v is not None: out.append((k, v)) if isinstance(data, defaultdict): return elem_type(data.default_factory, OrderedDict(out)) return elem_type(OrderedDict(out)) is_namedtuple_ = is_namedtuple(data) is_sequence = isinstance(data, Sequence) and not isinstance(data, str) if is_namedtuple_ or is_sequence: out = [] for d in data: v = apply_to_collection( d, dtype, function, *args, wrong_dtype=wrong_dtype, include_none=include_none, **kwargs, ) if include_none or v is not None: out.append(v) return elem_type(*out) if is_namedtuple_ else elem_type(out) if is_dataclass_instance(data): # make a deepcopy of the data, # but do not deepcopy mapped fields since the computation would # be wasted on values that likely get immediately overwritten fields = {} memo = {} for field in dataclasses.fields(data): field_value = getattr(data, fields[] = (field_value, field.init) memo[id(field_value)] = field_value result = deepcopy(data, memo=memo) # apply function to each field for field_name, (field_value, field_init) in fields.items(): v = None if field_init: v = apply_to_collection( field_value, dtype, function, *args, wrong_dtype=wrong_dtype, include_none=include_none, **kwargs, ) if not field_init or ( not include_none and v is None ): # retain old value v = getattr(data, field_name) try: setattr(result, field_name, v) except dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError as e: raise ValueError( "A frozen dataclass was passed to `apply_to_collection` " "but this is not allowed." ) from e return result # data is neither of dtype, nor a collection return data
[docs] def move_data_to_device( # type: ignore batch: Any, device: torch.device | str | int, convert_to_numpy: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Transfers a collection of data to the given device. Any object that defines a method ``to(device)`` will be moved and all other objects in the collection will be left untouched. This implementation is modified from Args: batch: A tensor or collection of tensors or anything that has a method ``.to(...)``. See :func:`apply_to_collection` for a list of supported collection types. device: The device to which the data should be moved. convert_to_numpy: Whether to convert from tensor to numpy array. Return: The same collection but with all contained tensors residing on the new device. """ if isinstance(device, str): device = torch.device(device) def batch_to(data: Any) -> Any: # type: ignore[misc] kwargs = {} # Don't issue non-blocking transfers to CPU # Same with MPS due to a race condition bug: # if ( isinstance(data, Tensor) and isinstance(device, torch.device) and device.type not in _BLOCKING_DEVICE_TYPES ): kwargs["non_blocking"] = True data_output =, **kwargs) if data_output is not None: if convert_to_numpy: data_output = data_output.numpy() return data_output # user wrongly implemented the `TransferableDataType` and forgot to # return `self`. return data return apply_to_collection( batch, dtype=TransferableDataType, function=batch_to )