Source code for

"""CLI interface."""

from __future__ import annotations

from absl import app  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

from vis4d.common import ArgsType
from vis4d.common.logging import rank_zero_info
from vis4d.config import instantiate_classes
from vis4d.config.replicator import replicate_config
from vis4d.config.typing import ExperimentConfig

from .experiment import run_experiment

[docs] def main(argv: ArgsType) -> None: """Main entry point for the CLI. Example to run this script: >>> python -m --config vis4d/zoo/faster_rcnn/ With parameter sweep config: >>> python -m fit --config vis4d/zoo/faster_rcnn/ --sweep vis4d/zoo/faster_rcnn/ """ # Get config assert len(argv) > 1, "Mode must be specified: `fit` or `test`" mode = argv[1] assert mode in {"fit", "test"}, f"Invalid mode: {mode}" experiment_config: ExperimentConfig = _CONFIG.value if _SWEEP.value is not None: # Perform parameter sweep rank_zero_info( "Found Parameter Sweep in config file. Running Parameter Sweep..." ) experiment_config = _CONFIG.value sweep_config = instantiate_classes(_SWEEP.value) for run_id, config in enumerate( replicate_config( experiment_config, method=sweep_config.method, sampling_args=sweep_config.sampling_args, fstring=sweep_config.get("suffix", ""), ) ): rank_zero_info( "Running experiment #%d: %s", run_id, config.experiment_name, ) # Run single experiment run_experiment( experiment_config, mode, _GPUS.value, _SHOW_CONFIG.value, _SLURM.value, ) else: # Run single experiment run_experiment( experiment_config, mode, _GPUS.value, _SHOW_CONFIG.value, _SLURM.value, _CKPT.value, _RESUME.value, )
[docs] def entrypoint() -> None: """Entry point for the CLI."""
if __name__ == "__main__": entrypoint()