Source code for

"""Resize transformation."""

from __future__ import annotations

import random
from typing import TypedDict

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor

from vis4d.common.imports import OPENCV_AVAILABLE
from vis4d.common.typing import NDArrayF32
from import CommonKeys as K
from import transform_bbox

from .base import Transform

    import cv2
    from cv2 import (  # pylint: disable=no-member,no-name-in-module
    raise ImportError("Please install opencv-python to use this module.")

[docs] class ResizeParam(TypedDict): """Parameters for Resize.""" target_shape: tuple[int, int] scale_factor: tuple[float, float]
[docs] @Transform(K.images, ["transforms.resize", K.input_hw]) class GenResizeParameters: """Generate the parameters for a resize operation.""" def __init__( self, shape: tuple[int, int] | list[tuple[int, int]], keep_ratio: bool = False, multiscale_mode: str = "range", scale_range: tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 1.0), align_long_edge: bool = False, resize_short_edge: bool = False, allow_overflow: bool = False, ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class. Args: shape (tuple[int, int] | list[tuple[int, int]]): Image shape to be resized to in (H, W) format. In multiscale mode 'list', shape represents the list of possible shapes for resizing. keep_ratio (bool, optional): If aspect ratio of the original image should be kept, the new shape will modified to fit the aspect ratio of the original image. Defaults to False. multiscale_mode (str, optional): one of [range, list]. Defaults to "range". scale_range (tuple[float, float], optional): Range of sampled image scales in range mode, e.g. (0.8, 1.2), indicating minimum of 0.8 * shape and maximum of 1.2 * shape. Defaults to (1.0, 1.0). align_long_edge (bool, optional): If keep_ratio=true, this option indicates if shape should be automatically aligned with the long edge of the original image, e.g. original shape=(100, 80), shape to be resized=(100, 200) will yield (125, 100) as new shape. Defaults to False. resize_short_edge (bool, optional): If keep_ratio=true, this option scale the image according to the short edge. e.g. original shape=(80, 100), shape to be resized=(100, 200) will yield (100, 125) as new shape. Defaults to False. allow_overflow (bool, optional): If set to True, we scale the image to the smallest size such that it is no smaller than shape. Otherwise, we scale the image to the largest size such that it is no larger than shape. Defaults to False. """ self.shape = shape self.keep_ratio = keep_ratio self.multiscale_mode = multiscale_mode self.scale_range = scale_range self.align_long_edge = align_long_edge self.resize_short_edge = resize_short_edge self.allow_overflow = allow_overflow
[docs] def __call__( self, images: list[NDArrayF32] ) -> tuple[list[ResizeParam], list[tuple[int, int]]]: """Compute the parameters and put them in the data dict.""" image = images[0] im_shape = (image.shape[1], image.shape[2]) target_shape = get_target_shape( im_shape, self.shape, self.keep_ratio, self.multiscale_mode, self.scale_range, self.align_long_edge, self.resize_short_edge, self.allow_overflow, ) scale_factor = ( target_shape[1] / im_shape[1], target_shape[0] / im_shape[0], ) resize_params = [ ResizeParam(target_shape=target_shape, scale_factor=scale_factor) ] * len(images) target_shapes = [target_shape] * len(images) return resize_params, target_shapes
[docs] @Transform([K.images, "transforms.resize.target_shape"], K.images) class ResizeImages: """Resize Images.""" def __init__( self, interpolation: str = "bilinear", antialias: bool = False, imresize_backend: str = "torch", ) -> None: """Creates an instance of the class. Args: interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation method. One of ["nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic"]. Defaults to "bilinear". antialias (bool): Whether to use antialiasing. Defaults to False. imresize_backend (str): One of torch, cv2. Defaults to torch. """ self.interpolation = interpolation self.antialias = antialias self.imresize_backend = imresize_backend assert imresize_backend in { "torch", "cv2", }, f"Invalid imresize backend: {imresize_backend}"
[docs] def __call__( self, images: list[NDArrayF32], target_shapes: list[tuple[int, int]] ) -> list[NDArrayF32]: """Resize an image of dimensions [N, H, W, C]. Args: image (Tensor): The image. target_shape (tuple[int, int]): The target shape after resizing. Returns: list[NDArrayF32]: Resized images according to parameters in resize. """ for i, (image, target_shape) in enumerate(zip(images, target_shapes)): images[i] = resize_image( image, target_shape, interpolation=self.interpolation, antialias=self.antialias, backend=self.imresize_backend, ) return images
[docs] @Transform([K.boxes2d, "transforms.resize.scale_factor"], K.boxes2d) class ResizeBoxes2D: """Resize list of 2D bounding boxes."""
[docs] def __call__( self, boxes_list: list[NDArrayF32], scale_factors: list[tuple[float, float]], ) -> list[NDArrayF32]: """Resize 2D bounding boxes. Args: boxes_list: (list[NDArrayF32]): The bounding boxes to be resized. scale_factors (list[tuple[float, float]]): scaling factors. Returns: list[NDArrayF32]: Resized bounding boxes according to parameters in resize. """ for i, (boxes, scale_factor) in enumerate( zip(boxes_list, scale_factors) ): boxes_ = torch.from_numpy(boxes) scale_matrix = torch.eye(3) scale_matrix[0, 0] = scale_factor[0] scale_matrix[1, 1] = scale_factor[1] boxes_list[i] = transform_bbox(scale_matrix, boxes_).numpy() return boxes_list
[docs] @Transform( [ K.depth_maps, "transforms.resize.target_shape", "transforms.resize.scale_factor", ], K.depth_maps, ) class ResizeDepthMaps: """Resize depth maps.""" def __init__( self, interpolation: str = "nearest", rescale_depth_values: bool = False, check_scale_factors: bool = False, ): """Initialize the transform. Args: interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation method. One of ["nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic"]. Defaults to "nearest". rescale_depth_values (bool, optional): If the depth values should be rescaled according to the new scale factor. Defaults to False. This is useful if we want to keep the intrinsic parameters of the camera the same. check_scale_factors (bool, optional): If the scale factors should be checked to ensure they are the same. Defaults to False. If False, the scale factor is assumed to be the same for both dimensions and will just use the first scale factor. """ self.interpolation = interpolation self.rescale_depth_values = rescale_depth_values self.check_scale_factors = check_scale_factors
[docs] def __call__( self, depth_maps: list[NDArrayF32], target_shapes: list[tuple[int, int]], scale_factors: list[tuple[float, float]], ) -> list[NDArrayF32]: """Resize depth maps.""" for i, (depth_map, target_shape, scale_factor) in enumerate( zip(depth_maps, target_shapes, scale_factors) ): depth_map_ = torch.from_numpy(depth_map) depth_map_ = ( resize_tensor( depth_map_.float().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), target_shape, interpolation=self.interpolation, ) .type(depth_map_.dtype) .squeeze(0) .squeeze(0) ) if self.rescale_depth_values: if self.check_scale_factors: assert np.isclose( scale_factor[0], scale_factor[1], atol=1e-4 ), "Depth map scale factors must be the same" depth_map_ /= scale_factor[0] depth_maps[i] = depth_map_.numpy() return depth_maps
[docs] @Transform( [ K.optical_flows, "transforms.resize.target_shape", "transforms.resize.scale_factor", ], K.optical_flows, ) class ResizeOpticalFlows: """Resize optical flows.""" def __init__(self, normalized_flow: bool = True): """Create a ResizeOpticalFlows instance. Args: normalized_flow (bool): Whether the optical flow is normalized. Defaults to True. If false, the optical flow will be scaled according to the scale factor. """ self.normalized_flow = normalized_flow
[docs] def __call__( self, optical_flows: list[NDArrayF32], target_shapes: list[tuple[int, int]], scale_factors: list[tuple[float, float]], ) -> list[NDArrayF32]: """Resize optical flows.""" for i, (optical_flow, target_shape, scale_factor) in enumerate( zip(optical_flows, target_shapes, scale_factors) ): optical_flow_ = torch.from_numpy(optical_flow).permute(2, 0, 1) optical_flow_ = ( resize_tensor( optical_flow_.float().unsqueeze(0), target_shape, interpolation="bilinear", ) .type(optical_flow_.dtype) .squeeze(0) .permute(1, 2, 0) ) # scale optical flows if not self.normalized_flow: optical_flow_[:, :, 0] *= scale_factor[0] optical_flow_[:, :, 1] *= scale_factor[1] optical_flows[i] = optical_flow_.numpy() return optical_flow_.numpy()
[docs] @Transform( [K.instance_masks, "transforms.resize.target_shape"], K.instance_masks ) class ResizeInstanceMasks: """Resize instance segmentation masks."""
[docs] def __call__( self, masks_list: list[NDArrayF32], target_shapes: list[tuple[int, int]], ) -> list[NDArrayF32]: """Resize masks.""" for i, (masks, target_shape) in enumerate( zip(masks_list, target_shapes) ): if len(masks) == 0: # handle empty masks continue masks_ = torch.from_numpy(masks) masks_ = ( resize_tensor( masks_.float().unsqueeze(1), target_shape, interpolation="nearest", ) .type(masks_.dtype) .squeeze(1) ) masks_list[i] = masks_.numpy() return masks_list
[docs] @Transform([K.seg_masks, "transforms.resize.target_shape"], K.seg_masks) class ResizeSegMasks: """Resize segmentation masks."""
[docs] def __call__( self, masks_list: list[NDArrayF32], target_shape_list: list[tuple[int, int]], ) -> list[NDArrayF32]: """Resize masks.""" for i, (masks, target_shape) in enumerate( zip(masks_list, target_shape_list) ): masks_ = torch.from_numpy(masks) masks_ = ( resize_tensor( masks_.float().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), target_shape, interpolation="nearest", ) .type(masks_.dtype) .squeeze(0) .squeeze(0) ) masks_list[i] = masks_.numpy() return masks_list
[docs] @Transform([K.intrinsics, "transforms.resize.scale_factor"], K.intrinsics) class ResizeIntrinsics: """Resize Intrinsics."""
[docs] def __call__( self, intrinsics: list[NDArrayF32], scale_factors: list[tuple[float, float]], ) -> list[NDArrayF32]: """Scale camera intrinsics when resizing.""" for i, scale_factor in enumerate(scale_factors): scale_matrix = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) scale_matrix[0, 0] *= scale_factor[0] scale_matrix[1, 1] *= scale_factor[1] intrinsics[i] = scale_matrix @ intrinsics[i] return intrinsics
[docs] def resize_image( inputs: NDArrayF32, shape: tuple[int, int], interpolation: str = "bilinear", antialias: bool = False, backend: str = "torch", ) -> NDArrayF32: """Resize image.""" if backend == "torch": image = torch.from_numpy(inputs).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) image = resize_tensor(image, shape, interpolation, antialias) return image.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy() if backend == "cv2": cv2_interp_codes = { "nearest": INTER_NEAREST, "bilinear": INTER_LINEAR, "bicubic": INTER_CUBIC, "area": INTER_AREA, "lanczos": INTER_LANCZOS4, } return cv2.resize( # pylint: disable=no-member, unsubscriptable-object inputs[0].astype(np.uint8), (shape[1], shape[0]), interpolation=cv2_interp_codes[interpolation], )[None, ...].astype(np.float32) raise ValueError(f"Invalid imresize backend: {backend}")
[docs] def resize_tensor( inputs: Tensor, shape: tuple[int, int], interpolation: str = "bilinear", antialias: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """Resize Tensor.""" assert interpolation in {"nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic"} align_corners = None if interpolation == "nearest" else False output = F.interpolate( inputs, shape, mode=interpolation, align_corners=align_corners, antialias=antialias, ) return output
[docs] def get_resize_shape( original_shape: tuple[int, int], new_shape: tuple[int, int], keep_ratio: bool = True, align_long_edge: bool = False, resize_short_edge: bool = False, allow_overflow: bool = False, ) -> tuple[int, int]: """Get shape for resize, considering keep_ratio and align_long_edge. Args: original_shape (tuple[int, int]): Original shape in [H, W]. new_shape (tuple[int, int]): New shape in [H, W]. keep_ratio (bool, optional): Whether to keep the aspect ratio. Defaults to True. align_long_edge (bool, optional): Whether to align the long edge of the original shape with the long edge of the new shape. Defaults to False. resize_short_edge (bool, optional): Whether to resize according to the short edge. Defaults to False. allow_overflow (bool, optional): Whether to allow overflow. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple[int, int]: The new shape in [H, W]. """ h, w = original_shape new_h, new_w = new_shape if keep_ratio: if allow_overflow: comp_fn = max else: comp_fn = min if align_long_edge: long_edge, short_edge = max(new_shape), min(new_shape) scale_factor = comp_fn( long_edge / max(h, w), short_edge / min(h, w) ) elif resize_short_edge: short_edge = min(original_shape) new_short_edge = min(new_shape) scale_factor = new_short_edge / short_edge else: scale_factor = comp_fn(new_w / w, new_h / h) new_h = int(h * scale_factor + 0.5) new_w = int(w * scale_factor + 0.5) return new_h, new_w
[docs] def get_target_shape( input_shape: tuple[int, int], shape: tuple[int, int] | list[tuple[int, int]], keep_ratio: bool = False, multiscale_mode: str = "range", scale_range: tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 1.0), align_long_edge: bool = False, resize_short_edge: bool = False, allow_overflow: bool = False, ) -> tuple[int, int]: """Generate possibly random target shape.""" assert multiscale_mode in {"list", "range"} if multiscale_mode == "list": assert isinstance( shape, list ), "Specify shape as list when using multiscale mode list." assert len(shape) >= 1 else: assert isinstance( shape, tuple ), "Specify shape as tuple when using multiscale mode range." assert ( scale_range[0] <= scale_range[1] ), f"Invalid scale range: {scale_range[1]} < {scale_range[0]}" if multiscale_mode == "range": assert isinstance(shape, tuple) if scale_range[0] < scale_range[1]: # do multi-scale w_scale = ( random.uniform(0, 1) * (scale_range[1] - scale_range[0]) + scale_range[0] ) h_scale = ( random.uniform(0, 1) * (scale_range[1] - scale_range[0]) + scale_range[0] ) else: h_scale = w_scale = 1.0 shape = int(shape[0] * h_scale), int(shape[1] * w_scale) else: assert isinstance(shape, list) shape = random.choice(shape) shape = get_resize_shape( input_shape, shape, keep_ratio, align_long_edge, resize_short_edge, allow_overflow, ) return shape