Source code for

"""NuScenes trajectory dataset."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from tqdm import tqdm

from vis4d.common.imports import NUSCENES_AVAILABLE
from vis4d.common.logging import rank_zero_info
from vis4d.common.typing import DictStrAny, NDArrayF32
from import DictData

from .base import Dataset
from .util import CacheMappingMixin

    from nuscenes import NuScenes as NuScenesDevkit
    from nuscenes.eval.detection.utils import category_to_detection_name
    from nuscenes.utils.data_classes import Quaternion
    from nuscenes.utils.splits import create_splits_scenes
    raise ImportError("nusenes-devkit is not available.")

[docs] class NuScenesTrajectory(CacheMappingMixin, Dataset): """NuScenes Trajectory dataset with given detection results. It will generate a trajectory data pair with minimum sequence length. The detection results will be matched with the ground truth trajectory according to the BEV distance. """ def __init__( self, detector: str, pure_detection: str, data_root: str, version: str = "v1.0-trainval", split: str = "train", min_seq_len: int = 10, cache_as_binary: bool = False, cached_file_path: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Init dataset. Args: detector (str): The detector name. pure_detection (str): The path to the pure detection results. It should be the same format as nuScenes submission format. data_root (str): The root path of the dataset. version (str, optional): The version of the dataset. Defaults to "v1.0-trainval". split (str, optional): The split of the dataset. Defaults to "train". min_seq_len (int, optional): The minimum sequence length of the trajectory. Defaults to 10. cache_as_binary (bool, optional): Whether to cache the dataset as binary. Defaults to False. cached_file_path (str | None, optional): The path to the cached file. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__() self.data_root = data_root self.version = version self.split = split self.detector = detector self.min_seq_len = min_seq_len self.pure_detection = pure_detection # Load trajectories self.samples, _ = self._load_mapping( self._generate_data_mapping, cache_as_binary=cache_as_binary, cached_file_path=cached_file_path, ) rank_zero_info(f"Generated {len(self.samples)} trajectories.")
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Concise representation of the dataset.""" return f"NuScenes Trajectory Data with {self.detector} detection"
def _match_gt_pred( self, gt_world: NDArrayF32, gt_class: str, predictions: list[DictStrAny], ) -> tuple[NDArrayF32, bool]: """Match gt and pred according to BEV center distance. If the distance is less than 2 meters, the prediction will be used instead of the ground truth. """ if len(predictions) > 0: same_class_preds = [ pred for pred in predictions if pred["detection_name"] == gt_class ] if len(same_class_preds) > 0: preds_center = [ pred["translation"][:2] for pred in same_class_preds ] distance_matrix = ( cdist( # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object gt_world[:, :2], np.array(preds_center).reshape(-1, 2), )[0] ) if distance_matrix[distance_matrix.argmin()] <= 2: match_pred = same_class_preds[distance_matrix.argmin()] # WLH -> HWL w, l, h = match_pred["size"] dimensions = [h, w, l] yaw = Quaternion(match_pred["rotation"]).yaw_pitch_roll[0] pred_world = np.array( [ [ *match_pred["translation"], *dimensions, yaw, match_pred["detection_score"], ] ], dtype=np.float32, ) return pred_world, False return gt_world, True def _generate_data_mapping(self) -> list[dict[str, NDArrayF32]]: """Generate trajectories predction and groundtruth. Trajectories will be generated for each scene. Each trajectory consists of [x, y, z, h, w, l, yaw, score] in world coordinate. Returns: list[dict[str, NDArrayF32]]: The list of trajectories. """ data = NuScenesDevkit( version=self.version, dataroot=self.data_root, verbose=False ) scene_names_per_split = create_splits_scenes() scenes = [ scene for scene in data.scene if scene["name"] in scene_names_per_split[self.split] ] instance_tokens = [] with open(self.pure_detection, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: predictions = json.load(f) num_gt_boxes = 0 num_pred_boxes = 0 total_traj = [] for scene in tqdm(scenes): local_traj: dict[int, dict[str, list[NDArrayF32]]] = {} sample_token = scene["first_sample_token"] while sample_token: sample = data.get("sample", sample_token) preds = predictions["results"][sample_token] for ann_token in sample["anns"]: ann_info = data.get("sample_annotation", ann_token) box3d_class = category_to_detection_name( ann_info["category_name"] ) if box3d_class is None: continue box3d = data.get_box(ann_info["token"]) instance_token = data.get( "sample_annotation", box3d.token )["instance_token"] if not instance_token in instance_tokens: instance_tokens.append(instance_token) track_id = instance_tokens.index(instance_token) if track_id not in local_traj: local_traj[track_id] = {"gt": [], "pred": []} # WLH -> HWL w, l, h = box3d.wlh dimensions = [h, w, l] yaw = box3d.orientation.yaw_pitch_roll[0] gt_world = np.array( [[*, *dimensions, yaw, 1.0]], dtype=np.float32, ) local_traj[track_id]["gt"].append(gt_world) matched_pred, is_gt = self._match_gt_pred( gt_world, box3d_class, preds ) local_traj[track_id]["pred"].append(matched_pred) if is_gt: num_gt_boxes += 1 else: num_pred_boxes += 1 sample_token = sample["next"] for _, traj in local_traj.items(): if len(traj["gt"]) >= self.min_seq_len: trajectory = { "gt": np.concatenate(traj["gt"]), "pred": np.concatenate(traj["pred"]), } total_traj.append(trajectory) rank_zero_info(f"Use {num_gt_boxes} gt boxes.") rank_zero_info(f"Use {num_pred_boxes} pred boxes.") return total_traj
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the length of the dataset.""" return len(self.samples)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> DictData: """Return the item at the given index. The trajectory will be randomly cropped to the minimum sequence length. """ trajectory = self.samples[idx] data_dict: DictData = {} traj_len = len(trajectory["gt"]) if traj_len > self.min_seq_len: first_frame = np.random.randint(traj_len - self.min_seq_len) else: first_frame = 0 data_dict["gt_traj"] = trajectory["gt"][ first_frame : first_frame + self.min_seq_len ] data_dict["pred_traj"] = trajectory["pred"][ first_frame : first_frame + self.min_seq_len ] return data_dict