Source code for

"""Base dataset classes.

We implement a typed version of the PyTorch dataset class here. In addition, we
provide a number of Mixin classes which a dataset can inherit from to implement
additional functionality.

from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence
from typing import TypedDict

from import Dataset as TorchDataset

from vis4d.common import ArgsType
from import DataBackend
from import FileBackend
from import DictData

[docs] class Dataset(TorchDataset[DictData]): """Basic pytorch dataset with defined return type.""" # Dataset metadata. DESCRIPTION = "" HOMEPAGE = "" PAPER = "" LICENSE = "" # List of all keys supported by this dataset. KEYS: Sequence[str] = [] def __init__( self, image_channel_mode: str = "RGB", data_backend: None | DataBackend = None, ) -> None: """Initialize dataset. Args: image_channel_mode (str): Image channel mode to use. Default: RGB. data_backend (None | DataBackend): Data backend to use. Default: None. """ self.image_channel_mode = image_channel_mode self.data_backend = ( data_backend if data_backend is not None else FileBackend() )
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Return length of dataset.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> DictData: """Convert single element at given index into Vis4D data format.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def validate_keys(self, keys_to_load: Sequence[str]) -> None: """Validate that all keys to load are supported. Args: keys_to_load (list[str]): List of keys to load. Raises: ValueError: Raise if any key is not defined in AVAILABLE_KEYS. """ for k in keys_to_load: if k not in self.KEYS: raise ValueError(f"Key '{k}' is not supported!")
[docs] class VideoMapping(TypedDict): """Grouped dataset sample indices and frame indices.""" video_to_indices: dict[str, list[int]] video_to_frame_ids: dict[str, list[int]]
[docs] class VideoDataset(Dataset): """Video datasets. Provides video_mapping attribute for video based interface and reference view samplers. """ def __init__(self, *args: ArgsType, **kwargs: ArgsType) -> None: """Initialize dataset.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.video_mapping: VideoMapping = { "video_to_indices": {}, "video_to_frame_ids": {}, } def _sort_video_mapping(self, video_mapping: VideoMapping) -> VideoMapping: """Sort video mapping by frame ids.""" video_to_indices = video_mapping["video_to_indices"] video_to_frame_ids = video_mapping["video_to_frame_ids"] for seq in video_to_indices: sorted_zipped = sorted( list(zip(video_to_indices[seq], video_to_frame_ids[seq])), key=lambda x: x[1], ) sorted_indices, sorted_frame_ids = zip(*sorted_zipped) video_mapping["video_to_indices"][seq] = list(sorted_indices) video_mapping["video_to_frame_ids"][seq] = list(sorted_frame_ids) return video_mapping def _generate_video_mapping(self) -> VideoMapping: """Group dataset sample by their associated video ID. The sample index is an integer while video IDs are string. Returns: VideoMapping: Mapping of video IDs to sample indices and frame IDs. """ raise NotImplementedError