Source code for vis4d.common.logging

"""This module contains logging utility functions.

We provide utilities for setting up a logger and logging in a distributed

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import sys
import warnings

from termcolor import colored

from vis4d.common.distributed import rank_zero_only
from vis4d.common.typing import ArgsType
from vis4d.config.typing import ExperimentConfig

def _debug(*args: ArgsType, stacklevel: int = 2, **kwargs: ArgsType) -> None:
    """Function used to log debug-level messages."""
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    kwargs["stacklevel"] = stacklevel
    log.debug(*args, **kwargs)

[docs] @rank_zero_only def rank_zero_debug( *args: ArgsType, stacklevel: int = 4, **kwargs: ArgsType ) -> None: """Function used to log debug-level messages only on global rank 0.""" _debug(*args, stacklevel=stacklevel, **kwargs)
def _info(*args: ArgsType, stacklevel: int = 2, **kwargs: ArgsType) -> None: """Function used to log info-level messages.""" kwargs["stacklevel"] = stacklevel log = logging.getLogger(__name__)*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def rank_zero_info( *args: ArgsType, stacklevel: int = 4, **kwargs: ArgsType ) -> None: """Function used to log info-level messages only on global rank 0.""" _info(*args, stacklevel=stacklevel, **kwargs)
def _warn( message: str | Warning, stacklevel: int = 2, **kwargs: ArgsType ) -> None: """Function used to log warn-level messages.""" warnings.warn(message, stacklevel=stacklevel, **kwargs)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def rank_zero_warn( message: str | Warning, stacklevel: int = 4, **kwargs: ArgsType ) -> None: """Function used to log warn-level messages only on global rank 0.""" _warn(message, stacklevel=stacklevel, **kwargs)
class _ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter for terminal messages with colors.""" def formatMessage(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: """Add appropriate color to log message.""" log = super().formatMessage(record) if record.levelno == logging.WARNING: prefix = colored("WARNING", "red", attrs=["blink"]) elif record.levelno in [logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL]: prefix = colored("ERROR", "red", attrs=["blink", "underline"]) else: return log return prefix + " " + log
[docs] @rank_zero_only def setup_logger( logger: logging.Logger, filepath: None | str = None, color: bool = True, std_out_level: int = logging.INFO, ) -> None: """Configure logging for Vis4D. Args: logger (logging.Logger): The logger instance to be configured. filepath (None | str, optional): The filepath to the log file that stores the console output. Defaults to None. color (bool, optional): Whether to use a colored console output. Defaults to True. std_out_level (int, optional): Which logging level to output to the console. Defaults to logging.INFO. Note that all levels will be logged to file. """ # get logger, remove handlers to re-define behavior for h in logger.handlers: logger.removeHandler(h) # console logger plain_formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] Vis4D %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d %H:%M:%S", ) ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(std_out_level) if color: formatter = _ColorFormatter( colored("[%(asctime)s Vis4D]: ", "green") + "%(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d %H:%M:%S", ) ch.setFormatter(formatter) else: ch.setFormatter(plain_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) # file logger if filepath is not None: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True) fh = logging.FileHandler(filepath) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh.setFormatter(plain_formatter) logger.addHandler(fh)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def dump_config(config: ExperimentConfig, config_file: str) -> None: """Dump the configuration to a file. Args: config (ExperimentConfig): The configuration to dump. config_file (str): The path to the file to dump the configuration to. """ config.dump(config_file)