### CLI ### We provide a command line interface for training and evaluating your models. Assuming you have installed the package using pip, you can use the command `vis4d` to access the CLI. Alternatively, you can run the CLI using `python -m vis4d.engine.cli` or `python -m vis4d.pl.cli` if you want to use the PyTorch Lightning version. The CLI relies on a configuration file to specify each experiment. We use `ml_collections `_ as underlying framework to define the configuration files. You can read up on our configuration files in the `Config System `_ section. ============= CLI Interface ============= The provided examples assume that the experiment configuration file is located at `path_to_experiment_cfg.py`. You can read up on our configuration files in the `Config System `_ section. We support both, our own training engine as well as `PyTorch Lightning `_. ------------ CLI Commands ------------ .. code-block:: bash vis4d [fit | test] --config path_to_experiment_cfg.py --ckpt: Checkpoint path --config: path to config file [.py |.yaml]. --gpus: Number of GPUs to use. Default 0. --print-config: If set, prints the configuration to the console. --resume: Resume training from the provided checkpoint. --sweep: path to a parameter sweep configuration file [.py |.yaml]. .. code-block:: bash vis4d-pl [fit | test] --config path_to_experiment_cfg.py --ckpt: Checkpoint path --config: path to the config file [.py |.yaml]. --gpus: Number of GPUs to use. Default 0. --print-config: If set, prints the configuration to the console. --resume: Resume training from the provided checkpoint. ----------- Quick Start ----------- **Train a model** .. code-block:: bash vis4d fit --config path_to_experiment_cfg.py **Test a model** .. code-block:: bash vis4d fit --config path_to_experiment_cfg.py **Overwrite Config Parameters** .. code-block:: bash vis4d fit --config path_to_experiment_cfg.py --config.my_field=2 --config.my.nested.field="test" **Perform Parameter Sweeps** .. code-block:: bash vis4d fit --config path_to_experiment_cfg --sweep path_to_sweep_cfg.py --------------------------- Overwrite Config Parameters --------------------------- We support overwriting config parameters via the CLI. Assuming you have a config parameter `params.lr` in your config file, you can overwrite it using the following command: .. code-block:: bash vis4d fit --config path_to_experiment_cfg.py --config.params.lr=0.01 Note that misstyping a config parameter .. code-block:: bash vis4d fit --config path_to_experiment_cfg.py --config.params.lrs=0.01 will result in the following error: .. code-block:: bash AttributeError: Did you mean "lr" instead of "lrw"?'